Ty Coates Bombers - Man Down (1 CD) 2021
- Состояние: Новое
- Категория: CD
- В наличии: 3 шт.
Альбом: Man Down
Вид носителя: (1 CD)
Дата Релиза: 18.06.2021
Состояние: Новая (запечатанная)
Штрих код: 3341348053424
Примечание: On May 28th 2021 Tygers of Pan Tang will release worldwide their album “Majors & Minors” which continues the band’s legacy with a fine selection of songs that were written and recorded over the last 13 years. Not just a “Best of” compilation because the band wanted to offer something special to both loyal fans, collectors and those who have missed our latest records. "It's like your best Tygers tracks, but all in one place!"- Robb Weir. The band chose songs on the album which they believed to be classics and to represent the Renaissance of the Tygers boosted by having a Florentine on vocals! Partially written on the road, the tracks not only have killer riffs, balls and power pushing performances to the limit, but express the band’s creativity and musical chemistry for songwriting. Not afraid to even add Spanish Guitars and castanets if a track demands it this band are never boring! Party songs, heavy songs, rock anthems, groovy rock’n’rollers, catchy songs cleverly constructed with accessible melodies, the band has packed all of this into this meaty package. A live version of “Keeping Me Alive”, recorded in 2018, graces the vinyl format of "Majors & Minors". Known for their incendiary hit version of “Love Potion no. 9” from “The Cage” album in 1982 which sold over 200,000 copies and gave the band two top 50 songsin the UK, Tygers remain a much loved hard rock band with their NWOBHM legacy and many loyal fans. “Majors & Minors” will be released by Mighty Music on May 28th 2021. "Tygers music is full of big notes and little notes, so let's start with a Major one and finish with on a Minor!" – Robb Weir FOR FANS OF: SAXON, IRON MAIDEN & DIAMOND HEAD
**** ВНИМАНИЕ!! ****
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