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GASTRORREXIS Revision Of Ancient Abominations PRO-TAPE

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23 Просмотров
Опубликовано: 25.01.2024 23:26
  • Состояние: Новое
  • Категория: Кассеты
  • В наличии: 9 шт.


GASTRORREXIS Revision Of Ancient Abominations TAPE Carlos De La Vega is one of the most prolific brutal musicians on planet Earth! But the release that is offered to your attention and will soon be released on COYOTE RECORDS, in fact, does not represent something radically new. This is a compilation from different GASTRORREXIS albums, re-recorded with a new line-up and in a new sound! The release, of course, promises to be interesting primarily for fans of GASTRORREXIS and other bands of Carlos De La Vega, as well as for other fans of classic brutal death metal, allowing you to get acquainted with the music of this band! releases July 27, 2022 1.Spreading in My Brain ,Maggots Impregnated 2.Decoded Murder Intelligence 3.Brutality Raped 4.Flesh Remains Inmmersed in Nitrogen 5.Devoured by Rats 6.Deteriorate Flesh 7.Drain Blood 8.Smells of Death 9.Putrefaction Without Oxygen 10.Extinction of Vitality 11.Fertilization Of Predatory Flies 12.Sounds of Violent Execution 13.Deep Repugnance
600 ₽
(из Москва)
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  • Состояние: Новое
  • Категория: Кассеты
Продавец: Coyote666
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