In Asymmetry - Ashes Of Dead Worlds (1 CD) 2021
- Состояние: Новое
- Категория: CD
- В наличии: 3 шт.
Альбом: Ashes Of Dead Worlds
Вид носителя: (1 CD)
Дата Релиза: 07.05.2021
Состояние: Новая (запечатанная)
Штрих код: 827166526829
Примечание: IN ASYMMETRY 'Ashes of Dead Worlds' is a breathtaking onslaught of pure chaos, a vortex of riffs at terrifying velocity.Bringing together breathtaking ability and shocking savagery, IN ASYMMETRY take technical brutal death metal to the limits. Uniting current and ex-members of Deeds of Flesh, The Faceless, Goratory and Inanimate Existence this band is a formidable unit. Following up their acclaimed 2019 demo, 'Edge of Divergence', IN ASYMMETRY are now ready to unleash their staggering debut album - 'Ashes of Dead Worlds'. The initial impact of 'Ashes of Dead Worlds' is utterly overwhelming; a bewildering maelstrom of intricately interwoven notes delivered at terrifying velocity and with murderous intent. The gut ripping roar of Taylor Wientjes explodes from the vortex of riffs and blast beats, tearing at your flesh as your sanity collapses in ruins. Yet within this bestial cacophony a clinical intelligence is at work - each instrument working with incredible precision, weaving around each other, locking smoothly together, separating, rearranging, detonating... perfect order within perfect chaos. Songs like "Whom Prey on the Weak", "Hatred Towards the Holy Creature" and "In My Own Image and Likeness" are works of relentless, infernal art. 'Ashes of Dead Worlds' is rampant and ruthless from start to finish. With the dedicated support of the world's premiere extreme music label, Comatose Music, behind them, IN ASYMMETRY are ready to take on all comers. This band are true heavyweights of the technical brutal death metal sub genre and few will even come close to matching their unholy marriage of dexterity and devastation. May 7th is the date decreed for this labyrinthine monstrosity to be uncaged - and for the pretenders to the throne to start running...
**** ВНИМАНИЕ!! ****
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