Various - Dear Sunny...(Ltd.Translucent Yellow Vinyl) (1 LP) 2021
- Состояние: Новое
- Категория: LP / Пластинки
- В наличии: 3 шт.
Альбом: Dear Sunny...(Ltd.Translucent Yellow Vinyl)
Вид носителя: (1 LP)
Дата Релиза: 07.05.2021
Состояние: Новая (запечатанная)
Штрих код: 349223004144
Примечание: Big Crown Records is proud to present Dear Sunny... a compilation of Sunny & The Sunliners covers by Big Crown artists.Since the first time we heard "Should I Take You Home" by Sunny & The Sunliners, we have been avid fans. That record, which we were introduced to on MF Classy Chris' now legendary mixtape, The Time Is Right, set a lot of things in motion. It started of course with tracking down copies and collecting all of Sunny's records for our personal collections. That quickly turned into the desire to reissue some of his vast catalog on our label for the rest of the world to hear. We got in touch with Sunny and his son David and brought the idea to them. It took a lot of phone calls, a visit to their home in San Antonio, and three more years of calls and emails to convince them that our New York record label was a good place for them to entrust their music. After getting to know each other well enough Dave said, "You have been calling us non-stop for more than three years, you MUST mean what you are saying" and with that, we signed a deal to do a reissue project on Big Crown.We then flew out to San Antonio again, this time with a scanner and a videographer. We sat down with Sunny to interview him, went through his vast collection of photos, and talked about his life and career. Sunny was even kind enough to let us film him performing acoustic versions of a few songs. We used all of that material for our 2017 compilation, Mr Brown Eyed Soul. That release is our highlight reel of Sunny's Soul tunes. Looking back at the response to that compilation, it is safe to say that we achieved our goal of connecting a whole new audience to Sunny's incredible music. We also made his rarest records readily available to collectors at a price that wouldn't empty their pockets. The concept for Dear Sunny??¦ came to us right after we signed the deal. We wanted our artists to cover his music as a tribute to him.Three years later we released the digital album on Sept 4th to coincide with Sunny's 77th birthday. The...
**** ВНИМАНИЕ!! ****
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