Glaare - Your Hellbound Heart (1 CD) 2021
- Состояние: Новое
- Категория: CD
- В наличии: 3 шт.
Альбом: Your Hellbound Heart
Вид носителя: (1 CD)
Дата Релиза: 28.05.2021
Состояние: Новая (запечатанная)
Штрих код: 5055869594141
Примечание: When it comes to explanations for what exactly Glaare has done this time around, we need not look much further than the name of the album itself. Your Hellbound Heart, just like the book it's named after, is the embodiment of pleasure granted to someone after a time of extreme torture. Its relation to the 80s classic movie Helllraiser, as well as countless other nostalgic stories involving familiar metaphors of life journeys, is most certainly not by accident either. Don't be fooled by its synth heavy dance introduction. Behind the relentless party your face off, drive faster 'till you crash tracks is anything but a story about a good time. This album is the perfect representation of what would have been running through Sarah Conner's head while she did chin-ups in the looney bin. Waiting for the day that she gets her revenge on a world that's gaslighting her. In fact, one of the songs is none other than "T2"in honor of the apocalyptic cautionary tale. The process for these California natives has always been no process at all. They firmly believe in letting the album write itself and just submit to what it wants as though it is an entity in and of itself that demands from its members the way a dictator would. If their first album To Deaf and Day was the aftermath of when your heart breaks, then its successor is the aftermath of when your mind breaks. First press links will start being published on the day of the first song premiere (NEW NOISE MAGAZINE, in the US) We already have other partners who confirmed to write articles and reviews on the same day, or the days and week to follow, like Destroy/Exist (US), Fringe Music Blog (US), Post-Punk (DE/US), New Noise (FR), Art Noir (CH), etc.
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