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Motor City Drum Ensemble - Fabric Presents: Danilo Plessow (MCDE) (1 CD) 2021

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Опубликовано: 21.01.2024 12:30
  • Состояние: Новое
  • Категория: CD
  • В наличии: 3 шт.


Исполнитель: Motor City Drum Ensemble

Альбом: Fabric Presents: Danilo Plessow (MCDE)


Вид носителя: (1 CD)

Дата Релиза: 28.05.2021

Состояние: Новая (запечатанная)

Штрих код: 5060845320126

Примечание: The mix was recorded at the end of 2020 as the planet was struggling with the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. Danilo Plessow, known best for his work as Motor City Drum Ensemble, inserts statements from friends about the meaning of the music to people in these times, reaching globally for inspiration. He plays with a range of eras, locations and genres with an emphasis on instrumentation. The double vinyl format with download card features eleven full length tracks taken from the compilation. It highlights the rarer cuts across the 70s, 80s and 90s many of which have never before been digitally released. It includes ‘Nightfall’ – Danilo’s exclusive composition with jazz instrumentalists Francesco Geminiani and Peter Schlamb and ‘Taxi Mutant’ by Cabaret Voltaire that has been cut to vinyl for the first time here. TRACKLIST (mix): 1. Intro 2. Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith - Understanding Body Messages 3. SKUAS - Travers?e 4. Rhythm & Sound w/ Paul St. Hilaire - Music A Fe Rule Part 1 5. Scientist - In Orbit 6. Recloose ft Dwele – Can’t Take It (Herbert’s Some Dumb Dub) 7. Moogroove - Dark Room 8. Jeroen Vink - Waka Wakah 9. Powder - Random Ladder With 40 10. Danilo Plessow ft. Francesco Geminiani & Peter Schlamb - Nightfall 11. Proxyan - Sky Walkers 12. Basic Variation - Decay Sustain Release 13. Ciel - Raindance 14. Hypnobeat - Can God Rewind? (Part 2) 15. Cabaret Voltaire - Taxi Mutant 16. THE ORDER - E.W.R. (Sex) 17. The Other People Place - It’s Your Love 18. $tinkworx - Mnemosyne 19. Roy Davis Jr - Broken Machines 20. Jonny L - This Time (Carl Craig Mix 2) 21. Logue - Keep Me From Pain 22. A? - Rebirth 23. Sansibar - Absence Of Being 24. Family Unit - Freak (House Mix) 25. Iridium - Ill America 26. Jean-Claude Petit - Stones Of Law 27. Moonstarr - Detriot 28. John Kongos – I'm Dreaming (Any Moment I May Wake Up Screaming) Press & Promo: Online & Print PITCHED: Focus at press has been pitching the release to key specialist online, print and vinyl/comp review and roundup targets including DJ Mag, The WIRE, Electronic Sounds, Mixmag, NME, The Vinyl Factory, Arts Desk, London In Stereo, RA, Pitchfork, Gigwise, The Skinny, CLASH and more. Initial pitches for features have gone to targets including Beatportal, Electronic Beats, RA, Billboard, The FACE, Arts Desk, SENSE, SPIN. Radio National Radio: PITCHED: Album distributed to all relevant specialist and daytime shows to both national and international radio stations including Radio 1, Kiss FM, BBC6 Music, and individual artist tracks sent to pluggers. Social Networking & Communities News to be featured on both fabric and the artist’s social networks – Facebook Followers fabric: 495K MCDE: 143.7K Twitter Followers fabric: 128K MCDE: n/a Instagram Followers fabric: 231K MCDE: 21.1K Spotify Listeners MCDE: 198.7K

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1800 ₽
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  • Состояние: Новое
  • Категория: Кассеты
Продавец: Vinyl Track
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