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Perez,Wolfgang - Who Cares Who Cares (1 LP) 2021

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Опубликовано: 21.01.2024 12:11
  • Состояние: Новое
  • Категория: LP / Пластинки
  • В наличии: 3 шт.


Исполнитель: Perez,Wolfgang

Альбом: Who Cares Who Cares


Вид носителя: (1 LP)

Дата Релиза: 27.08.2021

Состояние: Новая (запечатанная)

Штрих код: 4260437156091

Примечание: Dead Can Dance members Lisa Gerrard and Jules Maxwell have teamed up under a new guise with James Chapman (MAPS) to create a studio album, titled 'Burn'. The record began its journey more than seven years ago, when Lisa met Irish theatre composer Jules Maxwell before working together for the first time. 'Burn' is set for release on 7th May 2021 via Atlantic Curve. Speaking about the origins of the album, Lisa Gerrard explains, "It is with great pleasure that I share this collaboration with Jules Maxwell. Jules and I began our creative journey with Dead Can Dance. We realised that we could connect through improvisation and that musical exploration continues to evolve with this present work."Although this record is a new release, its beginnings go all the way back to 2012 during that year's Dead Can Dance world tour. Originally brought in as a live keyboard player, Jules Maxwell helped create a new song with Lisa Gerrard called 'Rising Of The Moon', which was performed as the final encore of each show. By the time the tour finished in Chile in 2013, a strong affinity had begun to develop between the two of them and further opportunities to collaborate with each other resulted over subsequent years. In 2015, when Maxwell CREDITS: Produced by James ChapmanAll songs composed by Lisa Gerrard, Jules Maxwell and James Chapman except Aldavyeem (A Time To Dance) composed by Lisa Gerrard, Jules Maxwell, James Chapman and David Kuckhermann. Published by Schubert Music Publishing Ltd/ Air Edel Associates Ltd. Lisa Gerrard's vocals engineered by James Orr. All instrumentation by Jules Maxwell and James Chapman. Additional vocals on Noyalain (Burn) and Deshta (Forever) by Jules Maxwell. Additional percussion on Aldavyeem (A Time To Dance) by David Kuckhermann. Mastered by Simon Gibson at Abbey Road Studios, London Recorded in Australia, France and England. Executive Producer: Daryl Bamonte.

**** ВНИМАНИЕ!! ****

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2400 ₽
(из Бузулук)
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  • Состояние: Новое
  • Категория: Кассеты
Продавец: Vinyl Track
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