Sakamoto,Ryuichi & Toop,David - Garden Of Shadows And Light (1 LP) 2021
- Состояние: Новое
- Категория: LP / Пластинки
- В наличии: 3 шт.
Исполнитель: Sakamoto,Ryuichi & Toop,David
Альбом: Garden Of Shadows And Light
Вид носителя: (1 LP)
Дата Релиза: 16.07.2021
Состояние: Новая (запечатанная)
Штрих код: 5060446129753
Примечание: Arresting three-part harmonies and acoustic instrumentation are the backbone of this quartet that merge folk traditions with contemporary takes on growing pains and epiphanies. Id?e Fixe is extremely excited to announce that we will be working with the Montreal-based group MAYBEL. In celebration of starting things off, we will be re-releasing their debut album Gathering on vinyl for the first time. Originally released digitally on Vain Mina (an imprint organized by Eliza Niemi, a close friend of both MAYBEL and IF) in the spring of 2020, the record found its way to our ears and we were completely blown away by the music's depth and grace. May we humbly suggest you pre-order Gathering so that you may fill your home with its magical powers of song. The album is a collection of songs written over three years of growing pains and epiphanies. Three friends, Ali, Lauren and Loris, started singing together as a kind of group therapy to work out life's bumps and detours through music. Later, when they were joined by Fez these communal exercises coalesced into MAYBEL. Written and recorded while surrounded by nature and sung in harmonies that are nothing short of arresting, Gathering's songs are rooted in tradition while lyrically they embrace a modernity not unlike Gillian Welch's Time (The Revelator). "Gathering feels like a rare and uncanny union of kindred voices; it's one of the purest and most beautifully lucid things you'll hear this year." Chris Cantalini, Gorilla vs. Bear
**** ВНИМАНИЕ!! ****
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