Vol. 1
1-1 |
Intro (Worldwide Short Wave Radio Motif)
1-2 |
Advanced Malignant Tumor Of The Brain
1-3 |
"You Don't Have To Look At Pictures On The Radio"
1-4 |
Theatre Times For "The Ryan O'Neal Story" (Pt. 1)
1-5 |
The Lost Glider
1-6 |
N.L.R.H. Program I.D.
1-7 |
Marlon Brando Interview
1-8 |
Theatre Times For "The Ryan O'Neal Story" (Pt. 2)
1-9 |
"Little Miss Muffet" (Otis Redding Parody)
1-10 |
Theatre TImes For "The Ryan O'Neal Story" (Pt. 3)
1-11 |
True Or False?
1-12 |
American Safety Institute: Remember To Brush
1-13 |
The Comedy Of Patrol Officer Tim O'Malley
1-14 |
The Loan Arranger
1-15 |
Can A Match Burn Twice? (Pt.1)
1-16 |
Public DIsservice Message: Mental Hospitals
1-17 |
Can A Match Burn Twice? (Pt. 2)
1-18 |
Laughs From The Past
1-19 |
What If Ed Sullivan Were Tortured?
1-20 |
Canadian Newsreel
1-21 |
Quck Canada Quiz (Pt. 1)
1-22 |
Comedy Of Cardiologist Dr. Anrew Tillman
1-23 |
Quick Canada Quiz (Pt. 2)
1-24 |
Natlamp Unto My Feet, With The Rev. Otto A. Brown
1-25 |
N.L.R.H. Program I.D.:Honk Honk...Why, IT's Wobbles The Goose !
1-26 |
"Methadone Maintenance Man" (James Taylor Parody)
1-27 |
Front Row Center: "Death Of A Salesman"
1-28 |
Light Your Faith
1-29 |
The Indianapolis Academy Of The French Accent
1-30 |
Mel Brewer's Insomnia Time, Wtih Ron Fields (Pt.1)
1-31 |
"Sperm Whale Song"
1-32 |
Mel Brewer's Insomnia Time With Ron Fields (Pt. 2)
1-33 |
N.L.R.H. Promo (Muhammad Ali)
1-34 |
House Rules
1-35 |
Let Us Speak English
1-36 |
N.L.R.H. Promo (Al Jolson)
1-37 |
Flash Bazbo, Space Explorer
1-38 |
Stand Up
1-39 |
Mr. Veal Chop Commercial Intro
1-40 |
"Closet Queen"
1-41 |
Interview With the Hollywood Gay Alliance
1-42 |
"Closet Queen" (Reprise & Closing)
1-43 |
Public DIsservice Message: The Salvation Army
1-44 |
The Comedy Of News Anchor Robert K. Chancellor
1-45 |
Frank Rizzo: The Philadelphia Police League For Retarded Children
1-46 |
And The Winner Is...
1-47 |
The Comedy Of Psychiatrist Dr. Ricky Johnson
1-48 |
The Dick & Jane Show
1-49 |
Which Of The Ten Commandments Am I Breaking?
1-50 |
Baby Brando
1-51 |
N.L.R.H. Promo (Yodeling)
1-52 |
"Southern California Brings Me Down" (Neil Young Parody)
1-53 |
Fred Purdue's Chicken Commercial
1-54 |
The Comedy Of King Faisal
1-55 |
Public DIsservice Message: Zip Codes
1-56 |
Natlamp Unto My Feet, With Father Joseph Vazinni
1-57 |
Outro (Worldwide Short Wave Radio Motif)
Vol. 2
2-1 |
Channel Surfing (Cheech & Chong Parody)
2-2 |
Intro (Outer Limits)
2-3 |
Harry Block: 417 Reasons Why You Should Let Us Do Your Income Tax-Reason #323
2-4 |
"Turtle Woman"
2-5 |
Harry Block: Reason #110
2-6 |
The Immigrants:"The Hillbillies"
2-7 |
"Gift Of The Nazis" Show Promo
2-8 |
Harry Block: Reason #408
2-9 |
Suicide Prevention Hotline/N.L.R.H. Program I.D.
2-10 |
"Well-Intentioned Blues" (Pete Seeger Parody)
2-11 |
At The Tone From The Time You Called...
2-12 |
Handy Household Hint
2-13 |
Universal Bank Commercial
2-14 |
Request Time: "Gigi!"
2-15 |
Humor Test, With Dr. Chevy Chase
2-16 |
Alternative Child
2-17 |
1973 Miss America Pageant
2-18 |
Timex Watch Commercial
2-19 |
N.L.R.H. Program I.D./The Jimmy Dugan Story
2-20 |
Quick Canada Quiz (Pt. 3)
2-21 |
Harry Block: Reason #287
2-22 |
Quck Canada Quiz: The Answer
2-23 |
Inteview With Ali & Foreman
2-24 |
Great Mountain Valley Drinking Water & Brite Toothpaste Commercial
2-25 |
Scuzzy Linoleum Commercial Intro
2-26 |
"Steppin' On A Spaniel"
2-27 |
Car Cheese Commercial Intro
2-28 |
Harry Block: Reason #177
2-29 |
How Often Have You Said To Yourself...
2-30 |
Police Auditions
2-31 |
Guru Craig Baker, The Perfect Master
2-32 |
Insincere Commercial Intro
2-33 |
Harry Block: Reason #356
2-34 |
"You Put Me Thru Hell" (Joni Mitchell Parody)
2-35 |
Vulcanized Sneakers Commercial Intro
2-36 |
Mr. Whipple Commecial Goes Wrong
2-37 |
What Do You Recommend From The Menu?
2-38 |
N.L.R.H. Disclaimer & Warning
2-39 |
Cheech & Chong Parody (Conclusion)
2-40 |
Outro (Scottish Announcer)
Vol. 3
3-1 |
Disclaimer Intro: "Due To The Explicit Nature..."/National Lampoon Magazine Commercial
3-2 |
Tommy Toilet
3-3 |
Flash Blazbo In A Restaurant
3-4 |
Bill Bradley Of The New York Knicks
3-5 |
Flash Bazbo, Space Explorer: The Adventure Begins
3-6 |
Bob the Rapist
3-7 |
I'm A Little Stiff From Polo
3-8 |
Legal Disclaimer (Muhammad Ali)
3-9 |
Music Perspective, With Ron Fields (Pt.1)
3-10 |
"Overdose Heaven"
3-11 |
Interview with Don Corleone
3-12 |
Monolithic Oil Commercial
3-13 |
Straight Man Auditions
3-14 |
Music Perspective, With Ron Fields (Pt. 1=2)
3-15 |
"Every Day I Feel Depressed" (B.B. King Parody)
3-16 |
3-17 |
Guru Craig Baker, The Perfect Master Visits A Bar
3-18 |
Limerick Time (Pt. 1)
3-19 |
American Safety Instititute: Mad Dogs
3-20 |
Limerick Time (Pt. 2)
3-21 |
Flash Bazbo, Space Explorer: Chapter 219
3-22 |
Classic Riddles (Pt. 1)
3-23 |
Public Disservice Message: Care Packages To Europe
3-24 |
Classic Riddles (Pt. 2)
3-25 |
Santa Cupcakes Recipe
3-26 |
The Littlest Christmas Tree
3-27 |
The Evil Santa
3-28 |
Rod Serling Explains The First Christmas
3-29 |
A&P Commercial: The Death Penalty For Shoplifting
3-30 |
The Hockey "Guillotine"
3-31 |
National Lampoon's Call-In (Pt. 1)
3-32 |
Classics Of The Contemporary Drama: "Waiting For Godot"
3-33 |
"Mother Goose's Wine"
3-34 |
Al Capone On Trial
3-35 |
National Lampoon's Call-In (Pt. 2)
3-36 |
The Rosenburgs
3-37 |
National Lampoon's Call-In (Pt. 3)
3-38 |
Terminal Football
3-39 |
"Highway Toes" (James Taylor Parody)
3-40 |
Classics Of The Contemporary Drama: "The Idiot"
3-41 |
National Lampoon's Call-in (Pt. 4)
3-42 |
Outro (English Announcer)