Маркетплейс винила и CD в России: 445 тыс. товаров в продаже! Дискография 26 млн. релизов и артистов.


Неизвестный исполнитель – Concept:FX2 (305 Aiff And Wav Sound Effects Files)

Лейбл: F7 Sound And Vision – none
Формат: CDr
Страна: US
Дата релиза: 1999
Жанр: Electronic
Стиль: Noise
Подробнее об участниках записи


1 1SyntheticCricket
2 2SyntheticCricket
3 36PipeHit
4 3rdWorldCPU
5 50sSciFiSphere
6 70sThinkingCircuit
7 70sThinkingCircuit2
8 ACreeper
9 AdultPaAnnouncer
10 AKikForU
11 AlienCreatureGreeting
12 AlloyJointStretch
13 AlmostGotIt
14 AlNatives
15 AndroidalEnthusiasm
16 AndroidCafe2
17 AngryDriveThruGuy
18 AnimatedForwardSpring
19 Answered
20 AntibodyAttachment
21 AntiquePeopleTransmission
22 AntiTonicRelief
23 ArtificialHouseFly
24 Asked
25 AttitudeGuy
26 Automaticus
27 BaseballBatHit
28 BeefyAftertaste
29 BigComicEyeWink
30 BigPaperFlap
31 BigRumbleAmbience
32 BL239
33 BlockHit
34 BluntBoogerSqueeze
35 BriefSunFlare
36 BrightResponseSound
37 BubblyBeakerAmbience
38 BugInGlass
39 BuzzerWannabe
40 ByTheMachineCloset
41 CallingAllChatter
42 CallItRoger
43 CannedTheLoveSong
44 CartonicSpitter
45 CartoonFaceSlap
46 CartoonMicroSkid
47 CartoonNoseFlick
48 CatVoiceSimulator
49 CdDrop
50 CerialInRamping
51 ChaoticUtterance
52 ChipBlockRattles
53 ChromialReceiver
54 CircularAmbience
55 ClassicFutureSound
56 ClonedDictatorRally
57 ColdCallIntercepter
58 ColdMuttDribble
59 ComicFacialShake
60 ComicHit
61 ComicPanImpact
62 ComicQuickCue
63 Comp1
64 Comp2
65 ComplexShutter
66 ConsumerFlyZapper
67 CookieJarNudge
68 CookingTheValve
69 CranialOrbitFlow
70 CrawlingAtmospheres
71 CrudeBullfrogChant
72 CrystalHeadHit
73 CueTheDrama
74 CueTune
75 CuKuSynthesis
76 CulumReti6
77 CybronIsoSlap
78 CyonicIrritant
79 DancingCeramicBlades
80 DeCafMonday
81 DeciChipStutter
82 DeepenedThud
83 Denial
84 DistortionRamp
85 DryServo
86 DumbHeadRattle
87 DungbeetleCommunication
88 DungbeetleRadar
89 Early80sVidSound
90 EarsSweptBack
91 EasternTempleCall
92 ElectronDisplacementBurst
93 ElectronicCatAttracter
94 EleventhHourPanic
95 EngagedDistanceMeasure
96 EnviroResonation
97 EssentialVentallationShaft
98 EvilRinging
99 FarEndVoice
100 FastWorkingChurn
101 FictionalMechanism
102 FilterSquelch
103 FlabbyFlatula
104 FlabbyHit
105 FreezeDriedBluejay
106 FrozenLeafCrackle
107 FunnyBoing
108 FunnySpringCoil
109 FuturisticPaddleBall
110 GeezerShaveScraper
111 GettingThings
112 GhostalKitchen
113 GooeyGoober
114 GoofyEyePoke
115 GrainingPulsator
116 GrainsEDolls
117 GrannysShortwaveTuner
118 GrittyNosebleed
119 GroovinDude
120 GuppysHomestead
121 HauntedCosmicInsides
122 HeightenedMentalisis
123 Hello
124 HereInterference
125 HipHit1
126 HipHit2
127 HookTheBigOne
128 HorseflyPossession
129 HumanEncryption
130 HumpbackInterpretation
131 HydroSpitter
132 HyenasChunk
133 Hyperactive80sGame
134 Hypershutter
135 IconPull
136 ImdBuzzer
137 ImdBuzzer2
138 ImitatedDogBark
139 ImpendingOverload
140 IncrementalVoice
141 InducedVomitization1
142 InducedVomitization2
143 InfantAttackWeapon
144 InformativeReadout
145 InsideIntestines
146 IntoTheMurk
147 IronicWaveChunk
148 IsotopeMonitoringDevice
149 ItIdlesSmooth
150 ItRages
151 ItsNowOver
152 IZapp
153 JazmonicBurosis
154 JuniorsDisruptorWeapon
155 JuniorsRayGun
156 KafmalDronic
157 KeyTapp
158 KilobyteResponse
159 LapDogCoughs
160 LarvalGasDischarge2
161 LaunchingCountermeasures
162 LeechyCadence
163 LeekVenting
164 LittleEvilCreatures
165 LittleLiverSlap
166 LittleOnSound
167 LittleProcessSound
168 LiveCyberBait
169 LophResonil
170 LotsABirds
171 LpScratch3
172 LungfishQuickSeizure
173 MadOldSpirit
174 MeatyBanjometer
175 MechanismAdjustment
176 MetalBagDrop
177 MetalBagDrop2
178 MetalDoorShut2
179 MetalFleck3
180 MetallicAirVenting
181 MiamiSprinklerHiccup
182 MicroKeypadBeep
183 MicronicShutdown
184 MicroPlaneCrash
185 MigranitolProcess
186 MildRattleTap
187 MoldyTransistorTrap
188 MolluskMatingRitual
189 MonopodResponseSound
190 MuffledPlateTap
191 MultiDentureChatter
192 MurkySpaceResidue
193 NeanderProcessor
194 NeededLubrication
195 NonRoutineShutter
196 NoSound
197 NotSoHip
198 OddyHeartBeat
199 OddysHappyPill
200 OddysWetDigestion
201 OldTransducerStatic
202 OneWuggieGurgle
203 OutboundInbox
204 PacemakerInterchange
205 PebbleGrinding
206 PlasticGearbox
207 PlasticTopHit
208 PocketParticleSimulator
209 ProfessorsAddedInput
210 ProtoGameGun
211 ProtoTuning
212 PudgyGroovinThang
213 QuickAndroidComment
214 QuickReadoutAnswer
215 QuickShock
216 RadiationResidue1
217 RadiationResidue2
218 ReactiveChamberGuide
219 RearrangeTheMolecules
220 RedAlert
221 ReEntryInterior
222 RegurGitron
223 RelativityTesting
224 RemoteServoPush
225 RightBank
226 RightLungBackup
227 RoboticCatSitter
228 RotatingChipCans
229 RotationalSpindown
230 RustyLatchOperator
231 SaturatedSnotRag
232 SciFiDrinkDispenser
233 SciFiQuickCooker
234 SeniorAnalogGuy
235 SeparationCodeInput
236 ShinySpitBubbles
237 ShortButtonResponse
238 ShrunkenDolphinHead
239 SillyTopPop
240 SineOtone
241 SkinnyComicPunch
242 SlagAttractor
243 SlappySplat
244 SlebsBurr
245 SleepBarrier
246 SlipFlopSampled
247 SloppyAtomicClicker
248 Slyonisphere
249 SmartBombMatingCall
250 SmoothUnderbellyWipe
251 SparsiveIndication
252 SpeakingFinePrint
253 SpookyRotoPulse
254 SputteringCicadaWings
255 StableButton
256 StableTapping
257 StaticWedgie
258 SteroidalMuscleRumble
259 StoppingASpinroller
260 SynapticNerveBelt
261 SyntheticNightSounds1
262 SyntheticNightSounds2
263 SyntheticNightSounds3
264 SynthStudCall
265 T1Shift
266 TaaDuhh
267 TakeAPillForIt
268 Tamboronica
269 TapVarOne
270 TeaPartyClank
271 TeenyComicImpact
272 TheFurnaceHiccuped
273 TheGargoylesInhale
274 TheOddyHowls
275 TheProcRoom
276 ThinIceShatter
277 ThroatyFrog
278 TightLiftoff
279 Tiny2Way
280 TinyInstrumentFailure
281 TinyToyTom
282 ToyCopSlowdown
283 ToySubmarineInterior
284 TrampoSprings
285 TransientsTap
286 TransitionSweeper
287 TvPaperCutter
288 TweaqTheKnob
289 UnderTheTub
290 UnjustTensionBuildup
291 UnNaturalSplash
292 UselessAirBrake
293 VentingColdExhaust
294 VevilIndigestion
295 WalrusOk
296 WeakSonarBounce
297 WeHaveAProblem
298 WetGutPunch
299 WhisperBlackout
300 WierdGuySpeaks
301 WobbleBreath
302 X222Sound
303 XYGlubs
304 ZappySonnetRhyme
305 Zoot
306 1SyCrick
307 2SyCrick
308 36PipHit
309 3rdWdCPU
310 50ScFiSp
311 70sTkgC1
312 70sTkgC2
313 ACreeper
314 AdPAncer
315 AKikForU
316 AlinCrGr
317 AllJtStr
318 AlmGotIt
319 AlNativs
320 AndrEnth
321 AndrCaf2
322 AngDThuG
323 AniFrSpg
324 Answered
325 AntibAtn
326 AntiqPlT
327 AntiTcRf
328 ArtlHsFy
329 Asked
330 AtudeGuy
331 Automtks
332 BasblBHt
333 BefAfrts
334 BgCmEyWk
335 BgPprFlp
336 BgRbleAm
337 BL239
338 BlockHit
339 BlutBrSz
340 BrfSnFlr
341 BrtRsSnd
342 BublyBAm
343 BugInGls
344 BuzrWnbe
345 ByTMcCst
346 CalAChtr
347 CalItRgr
348 CandTLSg
349 CartcSpt
350 CartFcSp
351 CartMroS
352 CartNsFk
353 CatVoSim
354 CdDrop
355 CerInRmp
356 ChatcUtc
357 ChpBkRat
358 ChrmlRcr
359 CircuAmb
360 ClasFuSd
361 ClndDrRl
362 ColCaInt
363 ColMtDrb
364 ComFcShk
365 ComicHit
366 ComicPIm
367 ComicQku
368 Comp1
369 Comp2
370 CompxStr
371 ConsFyZp
372 CookJrNg
373 CookTeVl
374 CranObFw
375 CrawAtmp
376 CrudBfCt
377 CryHdHit
378 CueThDrm
379 CueTune
380 CuKuSyth
381 CulmRet6
382 CybIsSlp
383 CyncIrrt
384 DanCmBds
385 DeCafMdy
386 DeciCpSt
387 DeepThud
388 Denial
389 DistRamp
390 DryServo
391 DumHdRtl
392 DungComm
393 DungRadr
394 Ear80VSd
395 EarSepBk
396 EaTempCl
397 ElctDspB
398 ElctrCAt
399 ElvnHrPn
400 EngDstMr
401 EnvrReso
402 EslVntlS
403 EvilRgng
404 FarEndVc
405 FastWkCn
406 FictMech
407 FiltSqlc
408 FlabFlat
409 FlabHit
410 FrDrBluj
411 FrznLfCr
412 FunBoing
413 FunSpgCl
414 FutPdBal
415 GeezrSSr
416 GetThngs
417 GhstKitn
418 GooeGobr
419 GoofEyPk
420 GrainPls
421 GrainsED
422 GranSTnr
423 GritNbld
424 GrovDude
425 GupHmstd
426 HauCsIns
427 HeitMent
428 Hello
429 HereIntr
430 HipHit1
431 HipHit2
432 HokThBgO
433 HorsPoss
434 HumaEncr
435 HumpIntr
436 HydoSptr
437 HyenChnk
438 Hypr80Gm
439 Hyprshtr
440 IconPull
441 ImdBuzr1
442 ImdBuzr2
443 ImiDgBrk
444 ImpOvrld
445 IncrVoic
446 InduVom1
447 InduVom2
448 InfAkWpn
449 InfrRedt
450 InsdInts
451 InThMurk
452 IrcWavCh
453 IsMonDev
454 ItIdleSm
455 ItRages
456 ItsNwOvr
457 IZapp
458 JazBursi
459 JuDsrWpn
460 JuRayGun
461 KafmlDnc
462 KeyTapp
463 KiloResp
464 LapDgChs
465 LarGsDs2
466 LauCtrms
467 LehyCadn
468 LekVentg
469 LitlEvlC
470 LitlLvrS
471 LitlOnSd
472 LitlPrSd
473 LiveCyBt
474 LopReson
475 LotABrds
476 LpScrch3
477 LunQkSzr
478 MadOdSpt
479 MeatBnjm
480 MechAdjt
481 MetBgDp
482 MetBgDp2
483 MetDrSt2
484 MetFlek3
485 MetlAVnt
486 MiaSpHcp
487 MicKpdBp
488 MicroShd
489 MicroPlC
490 MigrPros
491 MilRatTp
492 MoldTrTp
493 MollMtRl
494 MonoReSd
495 MufPlTap
496 MultiDCh
497 MurkSpRs
498 NeaProcr
499 NeedLbrc
500 NonRoSh
501 NoSound
502 NotSoHip
503 OdHartBt
504 OdHppPil
505 OdWetDig
506 OldTrSta
507 OneWgGur
508 OutbInbx
509 PaceIntr
510 PebGrind
511 PlasGrbx
512 PlasTpHt
513 PocPrtSm
514 ProfAdIn
515 ProtoGGu
516 ProtoTun
517 PudgGvTg
518 QuickACm
519 QuickRAn
520 QuickShk
521 RadiRes1
522 RadiRes2
523 ReactCGd
524 RearTMls
525 RedAlert
526 ReEntInt
527 RegrGtrn
528 RelaTest
529 RemSvPsh
530 RightBnk
531 RightLBp
532 RobCtStr
533 RotChpCn
534 RotSpndn
535 RusLchOp
536 SatSnotR
537 SciFiDrD
538 SciFiQuC
539 SenAngGy
540 SepCodeI
541 ShiSptBu
542 ShortBRe
543 ShrkDnHd
544 SilTpPop
545 SineOton
546 SkinCoPu
547 SlagAtor
548 SlapySpt
549 SlebsBur
550 SleepBar
551 SlipFSam
552 SlopAtCr
553 Slynsphr
554 SmaBmMCl
555 SmoUnWpe
556 SparIndc
557 SpFnPrnt
558 SpokRtPs
559 SpuCdaWg
560 StablBtn
561 StablTpg
562 StatcWge
563 SterMuRu
564 StpASplr
565 SynaNvBt
566 SyntNiS1
567 SyntNiS2
568 SyntNiS3
569 SyntStCl
570 T1Shift
571 TaaDuhh
572 TakAPFIt
573 Tambrnca
574 TapVarOn
575 TeaPtCnk
576 TeeCmImp
577 ThFurHic
578 ThGarInh
579 ThOdHls
580 ThPrcRom
581 ThinIcSh
582 ThroFrog
583 TihtLftf
584 Tiny2Way
585 TinyIFal
586 TinyTTom
587 ToyCopSn
588 ToySubIt
589 TrampSpr
590 TransTap
591 TranSwpr
592 TvPprCtr
593 TweqTKnb
594 UndrTTub
595 UnjTBldp
596 UnNtlSph
597 UslsArBk
598 VentCdEx
599 VevlIndg
600 WalrsOks
601 WeakSrBc
602 WeHvaPrb
603 WetGtPnh
604 WhsprBkt
605 WierdGSp
606 WobBreth
607 X222Snd
608 XYglubs
609 ZapySnRh
610 Zoot

Участники записи:

Лейблы и идентификаторы:


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Похожие релизы
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Фото Название Формат Лейбл и каталожный номер Страна Год Сейчас в продаже
^%)$_$@ - 721938 ^%)$_$@


 QZ 08
Russia 2006
Посмотреть в продаже
探戈, 闭琴与小乐队(一) - 6436412 探戈, 闭琴与小乐队(一)


China 1982
Посмотреть в продаже
回心曲 - 6452629 回心曲

South Korea 1980
Посмотреть в продаже
رقصة عرق سوس / رقصة الربيع - 6452651 رقصة عرق سوس / رقصة الربيع


 VDL 529 L
 VDL 529 L
Lebanon 1972
Посмотреть в продаже
يا مريم البكر / سلمت نفسب في يديك - 6471871 يا مريم البكر / سلمت نفسب في يديك

7", 45 RPM

 NO. 23
Egypt 1971
Посмотреть в продаже
مثل عظيم رحمتك - 6471825 مثل عظيم رحمتك

7", 45 RPM

 NO. 29
Egypt 1971
Посмотреть в продаже
 - 6429252

WAV, Album

Italy 2014
Посмотреть в продаже
بحر الدموع - 6588710 بحر الدموع

Kuwait 2005
Посмотреть в продаже
환타스틱 무드연주곡 (실내음악 / 러브사운드) - 6447726 환타스틱 무드연주곡 (실내음악 / 러브사운드)


South Korea 1994
Посмотреть в продаже
名曲音樂 - 鄧麗君名曲欣賞 - 8692492 名曲音樂 - 鄧麗君名曲欣賞

LP, Compilation

Singapore, Malaysia & Hong Kong 1980
Посмотреть в продаже
廈語電景插曲 第二集 - 8999973 廈語電景插曲 第二集

7", 45 RPM, EP

 HBEP 102
Singapore 1962
Посмотреть в продаже
Γιατί Τα Χρόνια Δεν Γυρίζουν / Τα Δικά Σου Τα Μάτια - 4608184 Γιατί Τα Χρόνια Δεν Γυρίζουν / Τα Δικά Σου Τα Μάτια

10", 78 RPM

Посмотреть в продаже
春之舞 - 8421917 春之舞

LP, Album

Hong Kong 1967
Посмотреть в продаже
민족가극 춘향전 - 8419404 민족가극 춘향전


North Korea
Посмотреть в продаже
花間蝶 - 8591411 花間蝶

LP, 10"

Hong Kong
Посмотреть в продаже
渔舟凯歌 - 8586536 渔舟凯歌

LP, 10", Album

China 1978
Посмотреть в продаже
سهرة مع البرنامج الاذاعية الغروب / عذراء الربيع - 7968859 سهرة مع البرنامج الاذاعية الغروب / عذراء الربيع

Посмотреть в продаже
双生貴子 其九 - 7965864 双生貴子 其九

10", 78 RPM, Single Sided

China 1904
Посмотреть в продаже
Βώλακας - Στιγμές από τα Δρώμενα - 8217602 Βώλακας - Στιγμές από τα Δρώμενα

Album, Limited Edition, Numbered

 eclipsis 07
Greece 2016
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Εγκαίνια Καθολικού Μέρος Α' - Ορμυλία - 9334959 Εγκαίνια Καθολικού Μέρος Α' - Ορμυλία


Greece 2004
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滿山葡萄紅艷艷 - 9413098 滿山葡萄紅艷艷

7", 45 RPM, EP

Singapore 1962
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Εγκαίνια Καθολικού Μέρος Β' - Ορμυλία - 9335042 Εγκαίνια Καθολικού Μέρος Β' - Ορμυλία


Greece 2004
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中國國楽精華 - 9419610 中國國楽精華


Taiwan 1976
Посмотреть в продаже
我的花兒 - 9467010 我的花兒

LP, 10"

Taiwan 1961
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闪闪的红星 - 9604965 闪闪的红星

China 1997
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