DG 307 – Svědek Spálenýho Času = Witness To Burnt Time
Лейбл: | Guerilla Records – GR 109-2 |
Формат: | CD , Box Set |
Страна: | Czech Republic |
Дата релиза: | 2013 |
Жанр: | Rock |
Стиль: | Alternative Rock, Garage Rock, Industrial, Lo-Fi |
Подробнее об участниках записи
Dar Stínum = Gift To The Shadows - Studio |
1-1 | Lidi Krve = People Of Blood | 2:26 | |
1-2 | Konzervovaná Masa = Tinned Mass | 1:39 | |
1-3 | Ani = Neither / Nor | 5:55 | |
1-4 | Řeka Citu = River Of Feeling | 3:59 | |
1-5 | Tvuj Kraj Stejně Jako Muj Kraj Jde Do Prdele = Your Land Is Going To Shit, Just Like My Land | 4:25 | |
1-6 | Cesta Českem = Road Through Bohemia | 5:55 | |
1-7 | Dis = D Sharp | 14:37 | |
1-8 | Opustil Mě Anděl = The Angel Has Left Me | 5:36 | |
1-9 | Zvěstovatel Smrti = The Harbinger Of Death | 5:19 | |
1-10 | Mlčení = Silence | 4:29 | |
1-11 | Mozaika = The Mosaic | 1:35 | |
1-12 | Kostěný Ráje = Bony Paradises | 14:35 | |
1-13 | Tělo = The Body | 1:29 | |
1-14 | Lepení Okamžiků = Assembling Moments | 2:09 | |
1-15 | Slepý Ptáci = Blind Birds | 4:50 | |
Dar Stínum = Gift To The Shadows - Live |
2-1 | Underlika = Underrepublic | 5:42 | |
2-2 | Lidi Krve = People Of Blood | 2:30 | |
2-3 | Konzervovaná Masa = Tinned Mass | 1:43 | |
2-4 | Ani = Neither / Nor | 4:56 | |
2-5 | Řeka Citu = River Of Feeling | 3:52 | |
2-6 | Tvuj Kraj Stejně Jako Muj Kraj Jde Do Prdele = Your Land Is Going To Shit, Just Like My Land | 4:17 | |
2-7 | Dis = D Sharp | 9:33 | |
2-8 | Cesta Českem = Road Through Bohemia | 4:50 | |
2-9 | Opustil Mě Anděl = The Angel Has Left Me | 4:51 | |
2-10 | Zvěstovatel Smrti = The Harbinger Of Death | 6:07 | |
2-11 | Mlčení = Silence | 3:50 | |
2-12 | Mozaika = The Mosaic | 1:30 | |
2-13 | Kostěný Ráje = Bony Paradises | 13:16 | |
2-14 | Tělo = The Body | 1:56 | |
2-15 | Lepení Okamžiků = Assembling Moments | 2:23 | |
2-16 | Slepý Ptáci = Blind Birds | 8:39 | |
Pták Utrženej Ze Řetězu = The Bird That Broke Free From Its Chain - Studio |
3-1 | Pohyb V Bludnym Kruhu = Moving In A Vicious Circle | 5:09 | |
3-2 | K Jádru Mýtickýho Dechu = This Night Will Gnaw | 9:21 | |
3-3 | Solnej Sloup Tvýho Těla = Your Body A Pillar Of Salt | 1:17 | |
3-4 | Na Dně Studny Šupinama = At The Bottom Of The Well | 5:19 | |
3-5 | Č.H.= (B. C. I'd Like To Live With A Black Crow | 6:41 | |
3-6 | Used Do Pole Ostrejch Jehel = He Sat Down In A Field Of Sharp Needles | 2:22 | |
3-7 | Jak Sup Letící Nad Krajinou = Like A Vulture Soaring Above The Landscape | 9:26 | |
3-8 | Poklady Tohoto Dne = The Tresures Of This Day | 1:16 | |
3-9 | Sem Slabší Než Myšlenka = I'm The Weaker Than The Thought | 6:22 | |
3-10 | Sou Ostrovy Uvnitř Pevnin? = Are There Islands On Dry Land? | 1:45 | |
3-11 | Vstupovat Do Chladný Vody = To Enter Cold Water | 1:41 | |
3-12 | Vrost' Do Stromu = He Fused With Tree | 2:43 | |
3-13 | Kolem Tvýho Těla = Around Your Body | 4:09 | |
3-14 | Položil Na Dno Kamennou Bytost = He Placed A Stone Being On The Bottom | 4:45 | |
3-15 | Na Vrcholcích Okamžiků = On The Peaks Of Moments | 1:15 | |
3-16 | Anarchistická Milenka = The Anarchic Lover | 3:00 | |
3-17 | Triptych | 16:27 | |
Pták Utrženej Ze Řetězu = The Bird That Broke Free From Its Chain - Live |
4-1 | Pták Utrženej Ze Řetězu Zdivočel A Uletěl... Ozvěny Jeho Falešných Zpěvů/ Pohyb V Bludnym Kruhu | 6:29 | |
4-2 | K Jádru Mýtickýho Dechu = This Night Will Gnaw | 8:16 | |
4-3 | Solnej Sloup Tvýho Těla = Your Body A Pillar Of Salt | 1:18 | |
4-4 | Interludium No. 1 = Interlude No. 1 | 0:46 | |
4-5 | Na Dně Studny Šupinama = At The Bottom Of The Well | 5:15 | |
4-6 | Č.H. = B. C. I'd Like To Live With A Black Crow | 5:02 | |
4-7 | Used Do Pole Ostrejch Jehel = He Sat Down In A Field Of Sharp Needles | 3:11 | |
4-8 | Jak Sup Letící Nad Krajinou = Like A Vulture Soaring Above The Landscape | 7:31 | |
4-9 | Interludium No. 2 = Interlude No. 2 | 0:41 | |
4-10 | Poklady Tohoto Dne = The Tresures Of This Day | 1:11 | |
4-11 | Interludium No. 3 = Interlude No. 3 | 1:16 | |
4-12 | Zatím Cos Spal = While You Slept | 4:04 | |
4-13 | Sem Slabší Než Myšlenka = I'm The Weaker Than The Thought | 5:28 | |
4-14 | Sou Ostrovy Uvniř Pevnin = Are There Islands On Dry Land? | 1:26 | |
4-15 | Vstupovat Do Chladný Vody = To Enter Cold Water | 1:33 | |
4-16 | Vrost' Do Stromu = He Fused With Tree | 2:11 | |
4-17 | Položil Na Dno Kamennou Bytost = He Placed A Stone Being On The Bottom | 0:41 | |
4-18 | Kolem Tvýho Těla = Around Your Body | 3:05 | |
4-19 | Na Vrcholcích Okamžiků = On The Peaks Of Moments | 1:06 | |
4-20 | Anarchistická Milenka = The Anarchic Lover | 3:11 | |
4-21 | Triptych | 14:58 | |
Torzo = Torso |
5-1 | I. Doktor Mundi A Doktor Cmundi = Doctor Mundus And Doctor Cuntus | 1:21 | |
5-2 | II. Měla Perníkovou Vůni Mezi Nohama = She Smelled Like Ginger Bread Between Her Legs | 6:28 | |
5-3 | III. Má Ráda Má Ráda = She Likes She Likes Them Well Hung | 0:42 | |
5-4 | IV. Miluju Rohy = I Love Horns | 3:35 | |
5-5 | V. Rybník Louky A Sněhy = Ponds Meadows And The Snow | 5:30 | |
5-6 | VI. Byla To Tmavomodrá Silueta = It Was Dark Blue Silhoutte Of The World | 2:51 | |
5-7 | VII. Její Tělo Rezonuje = Her Body Resonates! | 1:42 | |
5-8 | VIII. On Šel = He Went | 0:55 | |
5-9 | IX. Chtěl Se Stát = He Want To Become | 2:35 | |
5-10 | X. Nejsem Zabiják = I'm Not A Killer | 1:34 | |
5-11 | XI. Tvuj Obraz Jsem Bičoval = Your Image I Was Lashing | 2:46 | |
5-12 | XII. Seš Tu Země Nepoznaná = You're Unexplored Territory Here | 2:48 | |
5-13 | XIII. Mlč Pohlaď A Jdi = Be Silent, Caress And Go | 2:13 | |
5-14 | XIV. Když K Tobě Přistoupí = When Approached | 1:15 | |
5-15 | XV. Podívej Se Do Svejch Vočí = Look Into Your Eyes | 1:37 | |
5-16 | Zatím Cos Spal = While You Slept | 5:44 | |
5-Enhanced | Photo Gallery |
Участники записи:
- Design – Vladimír Drápal
- Design [Graphic] – Ivan Borl
- Executive-Producer [Výkonná Produkce, Idea] – Vladimír Drápal
- Liner Notes [Book] – Petr Ferenc
- Liner Notes [Book] – Magor
- Liner Notes [Book] – Vladimír Drápal
- Lyrics By – Pavel Zajíček
- Mastered By [Digitalisation], Producer [Production] – Ivan Bierhanzl
- Music By – DG 307
- Performer – Jan Brabec
- Performer – Pavel Zajíček
- Performer – Ladislav Leština
- Performer – Josef Janíček
- Performer – David Němec
- Performer – Ivan Bierhanzl
- Performer – Jan Kindl
- Performer – Jana Jonáková
- Performer – Jaroslav Kukal
- Photography By – Petr Prokeš
- Photography By – Jan Hric
- Photography By – Jaroslav Libánský
- Photography By – Ondřej Němec
- Photography By – Jaroslav Kukal
- Recorded By – DG 307
- Recorded By – Miroslav Skalický
- Recorded By – Luboš Nováček
- Remastered By [Remastering] – Ondřej Ježek
- Sleeve Notes – Magor
- Translated By – Marek Tomin
Лейблы и идентификаторы:
- Barcode Box - Text: 8 594156 571092
- Barcode Box - Scanned: 8594156571092
- Matrix / Runout Disc 1: ZA2833 DG307-CD1 AUDIO
- Matrix / Runout Disc 2: ZA2901 DG307-CD2 - LIVE
- Matrix / Runout Disc 3: ZA2903 DG307-CD3 - STUDIO
- Matrix / Runout Disc 4: ZA2902 DG307-CD4 - LIVE
- Matrix / Runout Disc 5: ZA2945 DG307-CD5 - TORZO
- Mastering SID Code Disc 1 to 5: IFPI LD02
- Mould SID Code Disc 1, 4, 5: IFPI 5J54
- Mould SID Code Disc 2, 3: IFPI 5J97
Нет данных
Участники записи:
- Design – Vladimír Drápal
- Design [Graphic] – Ivan Borl
- Executive-Producer [Výkonná Produkce, Idea] – Vladimír Drápal
- Liner Notes [Book] – Petr Ferenc
- Liner Notes [Book] – Magor
- Liner Notes [Book] – Vladimír Drápal
- Lyrics By – Pavel Zajíček
- Mastered By [Digitalisation], Producer [Production] – Ivan Bierhanzl
- Music By – DG 307
- Performer – Jan Brabec
- Performer – Pavel Zajíček
- Performer – Ladislav Leština
- Performer – Josef Janíček
- Performer – David Němec
- Performer – Ivan Bierhanzl
- Performer – Jan Kindl
- Performer – Jana Jonáková
- Performer – Jaroslav Kukal
- Photography By – Petr Prokeš
- Photography By – Jan Hric
- Photography By – Jaroslav Libánský
- Photography By – Ondřej Němec
- Photography By – Jaroslav Kukal
- Recorded By – DG 307
- Recorded By – Miroslav Skalický
- Recorded By – Luboš Nováček
- Remastered By [Remastering] – Ondřej Ježek
- Sleeve Notes – Magor
- Translated By – Marek Tomin