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Richard Wagner – The Goodall Ring Cycle

Лейбл: Chandos – CHAN 3065(16)
Формат: CD , Box Set
Страна: UK
Дата релиза: 2001
Жанр: Classical
Стиль: Opera, Romantic
Подробнее об участниках записи


The Rhinegold
1-1 Prelude
Scene 1
1-3 He, He! You Nixies!
1-4 Slimy, Slipp'ry Slitery Smoothness!
1-5 Look Sisters! The Sunlight Is Greeting The Gold
1-6 What's That, You Nixies
1-7 The World's Wealth Can Be Mine
1-8 Still Not Afraid?
Scene 2
1-10 For I Wished You Faithful And True
1-11 Then Shelter Her Now
1-12 Soft Sleep Closed Your Eyes
1-13 God Of Light, Light Of Spirit!
1-14 To Me, Freia! Back From Her, Giant!
2-1 This Bond Is Graved On My Spear's Strong Shaft
2-2 What? How Am I Concerned In A Contract?
2-3 Never One Word Of Praise Or Thanks!
2-4 But One I Found Then
2-5 So I Promised I'd Tell You The Story
2-6 A Toy While It Was In The Waters
2-7 And I Should Possess It!
2-8 Hear, Wotan, I'll Speak My Last Word!
2-9 Over Rock And Stone They Stride
2-10 I See How! Hear What Is Wrong!
2-11 Come, Loge! Descend With Me!
Scene 3
2-13 Ha, You Rogue!
2-14 Nibelheim Here
2-15 What Help For Me!
2-16 Better Take Care; Alberich's Near
2-17 What Brought You Here?
2-18 In the Clouds, You Great Ones
2-19 All Must Stand In Amazement
3-1 Ohe! ... Ha Ha Ha!
3-2 Now Swiftly Up! / Orchestral Interlude
Scene 4
3-4 And Now The Nibelungs Will Come To My Call
3-5 The Gold Lies There; Now Let Me Go
3-6 Am I Now Free? [Alberich's Curse]
3-7 Fasolt And Fafner Come This Way
3-8 Wait! Don't Touch Her Yet!
3-9 Far Too Loose You're Packing The Gold
3-10 Freia, The Fair One, See I No More
3-11 Yield It, Wotan! Yield It! [Erda's Warning]
3-12 Hear, You Giants!
3-13 Stop, You Greedy One!
3-14 Your Luck, Wotan, What Could Surpass It?
3-15 Sweltering Mists Hang In The Air ... Heda! Heda! Hedo!
3-16 The Bridge Leads You Homeward
3-17 Evening Rays Flood The Sky
3-18 Rhinegold! Rhinegold! [Entry Of The Gods Into Valhalla]
The Valkyrie
Act I
4-2 The Storm Drove Me Here
4-3 This House And This Wife
4-4 Evil Fortune's Never Far From Me
4-5 There He Lay, Feeble And Faint
4-6 Through The Field And Forest
4-7 Friedmund No One Could Call Me
4-8 The Nedings Raided Again
4-9 So The Norn Who Dealt You This Fate
4-10 I Know A Troublesome Race
4-11 A Sword Was Pledged By My Father
4-12 Are You Awake?
4-13 My Husband's Kinsmen
4-14 Yes, Loveliest Bride
4-15 Winter Storms Have Vanished
4-16 You Are The Spring
4-17 O Sweetest Enchantment
4-18 The Stream Has Shown My Reflected Face
4-19 Siegmund Call Me, And Siegmund Am I!
4-20 Siegmund, The Wälsung, Here You See!
Act II
5-2 Hoyotoho! Hoyotoho!
5-3 The Usual Storm, The Usual Strife!
5-4 Pretend That You Don't Understand!
5-5 Now It's Come To Pass!
5-6 So This Is The End Of The Gods
5-7 You Never Learn What I Would Teach You
5-8 What Must I Do?
5-9 Hiaha! Hiaha! Hoyotoho!
5-10 Fricka Has Won The Fight
5-11 When Youth's Delightful Pleasures Had Waned
5-12 She Refused To Reveal More About It
5-13 There's More To Tell
5-14 Yet One Can Accomplish What I May Not
5-15 But The Wälsung, Siegmund
5-16 The Siegmund Must Fall In His Fight?
5-17 I Give You My Blessing
5-18 No, Have Mercy
6-1 So I Obey His Command
6-2 Rest For A While; Stay By My Side!
6-3 Away! Away!
6-4 Where Are You, Siegmund?
6-5 Siegmund! Look At Me!
6-6 And If I Come
6-7 Then Greet For Me Walhall
6-8 Woe! Woe! Sister And Bride
6-9 Two Lives Now Lie In Your Power
6-10 Charms Of Sleep Are Sent
6-11 I Hear You Call
6-12 Wehwalt! Wehwalt!
7-2 Shield Me And Help
7-3 Hear While I Tell You
7-4 Pray Suffer No Sorrow For Me
7-5 Fly Him Swiftly, Away To The East!
7-6 O Radiant Wonder!
7-7 Stay, Brünnhilde!
7-8 Where Is Brünnhilde?
7-9 Weak-Spirited, Womanish Brood!
7-10 Here I Am, Father
7-11 No More Will You Ride From Walhall
7-12 Did You Not Hear What I Decreed?
7-13 Was It So Shameful?
7-14 I Know So Little
7-15 You, Who This Love Into My Heart Revealed
7-16 You Indulged Your Love
7-17 Unworthy Of You This Foolish Maid
7-18 You Fathered A Glorious Race
7-19 In Long, Deep Sleep
7-20 Farewell, My Valiant, Glorious Child!
7-21 These Eyes So Warm And Bright
7-22 Loge Hear! Come At My Call!
7-23 Magic Fire Music
Act I Prelude
Act I Scene 1
8-3 Hoi Ho! Hoi Ho!
8-4 Well, There Are The Pieces
8-5 A Whimpering Babe
8-6 Much You've Taught Me, Mime
8-7 I Found Once In The Wood
8-8 And Now These Fragments
8-9 He Storms Away
Act I Scene 2
8-11 I Sit By Your Hearth
8-12 What You Needed To Know
8-13 The Fragments! The Sword!
Act 1 Scene 3
9-2 Hey There! You Idler!
9-3 Have You Not Felt
9-4 Give Me These Pieces
9-5 Nothung! Nothung!
9-6 Hoho! Hoho! Hohi!
Act II Prelude
Act II Scene 1
9-9 To Neidhöle By Night
9-10 Not My Plan!
9-11 Fafner! Fafner! You Dragon, Wake!
9-12 Now, Alberich! That Plan Failed!
Act II Scene 2
9-14 So He's No Father Of Mine
10-1 Could I But Know
10-2 See My Mother...
10-3 Ha Ha! At Last With My Call
10-4 Who Are You, Youthful Hero
10-5 The Dead Can Tell No Tidings
Act II Scene 3
10-7 Tarnhelm And Ring, Here They Are
10-8 Be Welcome, Siegfried!
10-9 You Lie There Too
Act III Prelude
Act III Scene 1
10-12 Strong Is Your Call
10-13 You Unwise One
Act III Scene 2
11-1 My Woodbird Fluttered Away
11-2 Young Man, Hear Me
11-3 Child, If You Knew
11-4 With His Spear In Splinters
Act IIIScene 3
11-6 Come, My Sword!
11-7 Hail, Bright Sunlight!
11-8 Siegfried! Siegfried! Radiant Hero!
11-9 And There Is Grane
11-10 Oh! I Cared Always
Twilight of the Gods
12-2 Wotan Made Holy Laws And Treaties
12-3 That Mighty Hall The Giants Have Raised
12-4 Now The Gods Will Seize The Spear
12-5 Dawn Music / To Deeds Of Glory
12-6 Ah, But To Prove You Love Me
12-7 Love, I Leave You Alone
12-8 So By Your Daring I Am Fired
12-9 O Heavenly Rulers!
12-10 Siegfried's Rhine Journey
Act I Scene 1
12-12 What Woman Should I Wed
12-13 At Neidhöle The Niblung Gold Was Guarded
12-14 You Mock Me, Cruel Hagen!
12-15 Merrily Seeking Adventure And Fame
Act I Scene 2
12-17 I Welcome You My Friend
12-18 That Treasure I Quite Forgot
12-19 Welcome, O Guest, To Gibich House!
13-1 With Your Brother I Promised To Serve
13-2 I Fear Not The Flames
13-3 Flourishing Life's Refreshing Blood
13-4 Now On Your Way!
13-5 I Sit Here And Wait [Hagen's Watch]
Act I Scene 3
13-7 You've Come To Me
13-8 Fear And Dread I Read In Your Features!
13-9 Hear Me With Care
13-10 He Sits There, Speaks No Word
13-11 These Tales Of Evil Fancies
13-12 Upon Your Hand, The Ring
13-13 Go Home To The Sacred Clan Of The Gods!
13-14 Borne On The Wind
13-15 Brünnhilde! Your Husband Comes
13-16 The Night Draws On
13-17 Now Nothing Can Save Me
Act II Scene 1
14-2 Sleep You, Hagen, My Son?
14-3 The Might Of The Gods
14-4 That Ring Shall Be Hagen's
Act II Scene 2
14-6 Yet My Siegfried Was With Brünnhild?
14-7 I Can See A Sail In The Distance
Act II Scene 3
14-9 Come To My Call, And Arm Yourselves
14-10 Glad Times Have Come
Act II Scene 4
14-12 I Greet You, Noble Friend
14-13 A Ring I Saw Upon Your Hand
14-14 Ha! Siegfried Stole It
14-15 Hear In Walhall, Mighty Immortals!
14-16 Would You Defile Your Fame So Lightly?
14-17 Shining Steel! Holiest Weapon!
14-18 Gunther, Look To Your Wife There
Act II Scene 5
14-20 Have Trust In Me
14-21 Can No Weapon's Point Then Pierce Him?
14-22 Deceived Am I - And Deceiver!
14-23 He Betrayed You
14-24 Since This Blow Must Be Dealt Her
Act III Prelude
Act II Scene 1
15-3 Fair Sunlight, Send To Us The Hero
15-4 A Goblin Led Me Astray
15-5 Siegfried, If We Find Your Bear
15-6 Why Should I Let Them Laugh And Jeer?
15-7 Siegfried! ... Evil Lies In That Ring
15-8 Siegfried! ... Give Heed To Our Words
15-9 Come, Sisters! Flee From This Madman!
Act III Scene 2
15-11 You Drove The Game Away From Us
15-12 Drink, Gunther, Drink
15-13 Mime Was A Hideous Dwarf
15-14 Now You Must Hear What Happened Next
15-15 Ring And Tarnhelm - Both I Had Found
15-16 In Grief I Watched The Branches Above
16-1 Brünnhilde! Holiest Bride!
16-2 Siegfried's Funeral March
Act III Scene 3
16-4 Ah, If Siegfried Were Back!
16-5 Cast Not The Blame On Me
16-6 Peace With Your Cries
16-7 Poor Creature, Peace!
16-8 Sturdy Branches, Building His Pyre (Brünnhilde's Immolation)
16-9 The Sun In Radiance Shines From His Eyes
16-10 O You, You Guardians
16-11 My Heritage I Claim From The Hero
16-12 Fly Home, You Ravens
16-13 Grane, My Horse!
16-14 Give Back The Ring!

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