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Georg Friedrich Händel – Messiah / Der Messias / Le Messie

Лейбл: Philips – 6769 107 Philips – R 215049
Формат: Vinyl
Страна: Netherlands
Жанр: Classical
Стиль: Baroque, Oratorio
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Part One - Erster Teil - Première Partie
A1 Sinfonia
A2 Comfort Ye, My People - Accompagnato
A3 Ev'ry Valley Shall Be Exalted - Aria
A4 And The Glory Of The Lord - Coro
A5 Thus Saith The Lord - Accompagnato
A6 But Who May Abide - Aria
A7a And He Shall Purify - Coro
A7b Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive - Recitativo
A8a O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings To Zion - Aria
A8b O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings To Zion - Coro
B1 For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover The Earth - Accompagnato
B2 The People That Walked In Darkness - Aria
B3 For Unto Us A Child Is Born - Coro
B4a Pifa - Sinfonia Pastorale
B4b There Were Shepherds - Recitativo
B5a And Lo, The Angel Of The Lord - Accompagnato
B5b And The Angel Said Unto Them - Recitativo
B6 And Suddenly There Was With The Angel - Accompagnato
B7 Glory To God - Coro
B8a Rejoice Greatly - Aria
B8b Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind - Recitativo
B9 He Shall Feed His Flock - Duetto
B10 His Yoke Is Easy - Coro
Part Two - Zweiter Teil - Deuxième Partie
C1 Behold The Lamb Of God - Coro
C2 He Was Despised - Aria
C3 Surely, He Hath Borne Our Griefs - Coro
C4 And With His Stripes - Coro
C5 All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray - Coro
C6 All They That See Him - Accompagnato
C7 He Trusted In God - Coro
C8 Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart - Accompagnato
C9 Behold, And See - Arioso
D1 He Was Cut Off - Accompagnato
D2 But Thou Didst Not Leave - Aria
D3 Lift Up Your Heads - Coro
D4a Unto Which Of The Angels - Recitativo
D4b Let All The Angels Of God - Coro
D5 Thou Art Gone Up On High - Aria
D6 The Lord Gave The Word - Coro
D7 How Beautiful Are The Feet - Aria (Alternative Version)
D8 Their Sound Is Gone Out - Coro (Alternative Version)
D9 Why Do The Nations - Aria
D10a Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder - Coro
D10b He That Dwelleth In Heaven - Recitativo
D11 Thou Shalt Break Them - Aria
D12 Hallelujah - Coro
Part Three - Dritter Teil - Troisième Partie
E1 I Know That My Redeemer Liveth - Aria
E2 Since My Man Came Death - Coro
E3 Behold, I Tell You A Mistery - Accompagnato
E4 The Trumpet Shall Sound - Aria
Trumpet [Solo] – Crispian Steele-Perkins
F1a Then Shall Be Brought To Pass - Recitativo
F1b O Death, Where Is Thy Sting? - Duetto
F2 But Thanks Be To God - Coro
F3 If God Is For Us - Aria
Violin [Solo] – Elizabeth Wilcock
F4 Worthy Is The Lamb… Amen. - Coro

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