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Pierre Huguet – Amazonia Vol. 2 - In The Forest Of The Guianas

Лейбл: Pithys-ORSTOM – 02.9101.2
Формат: CD
Страна: France
Дата релиза: 1991
Жанр: Non-Music
Стиль: Field Recording
Подробнее об участниках записи


1 Start Of The Concert
2 Common Potoo
3 Crickets
4 Red Howler Monkey
5 Bright-Rumped Attila
6 Cinnamon-throated Woodcreeper
7 Thrush-like Antpitta
8 Red-throated Caracara
9 Walking Antbird
10 Hesitant Chirring Of A Cicada
11 Lined Forest-Falcon
12 Spotted Antpitta
13 White Hawk
14 Ruddy Pigeon
15 White-tailed Trogon
16 River Warbler
17 White-necked Thrush
18 Grey-fronted Dove
19 Spider Monkey
20 Screaming Piha
21 Pompadour Cotinga
22 Musician Wren
23 Black-headed Antbird
24 Brown Capuchin Monkey
25 Slate-colored Grosbeak
26 Slate-colored Grosbeak (Contact Calls)
27 White-eyed Tody-Tyran
28 Great-billed Hermit
29 Amazonian Antshrike
30 Yellow-margined Flycatcher
31 Black-throated Trogon
32 Waved Woodpecker
33 Lineated Woodcreeper
34 Black-bellied Cuckoo
35 Red-eyed Vireo
36 White-plumed Antbird
37 Ringed Antpipit
38 Black Nunbird
39 Slaty-capped Shrikevireo
40 (Blue-headed?) Parrot
41 Screaming Piha
42 Cinereous Mourner
43 Yellow-margined Flycatcher
44 Red Howler Monkey
45 Spot-backed Antbird
46 Spot-backed Antbird (Alarm Call)
47 Golden-winged Parakeet
48 Caica Parrot
49 Gray Antbird
50 Wedge-billed Woodcreeper
51 Long-billed Gnatwren
52 Yellow-margined Flycatcher
53 Musician Wren
54 Red-billed Pied Tanager
55 Guianan Toucanet
56 Green Oropendola
57 Cock-of-the-Rock
58 Green Oropendola (Contact Calls)
59 Marail Guan
60 Channel-billed Toucan
61 Slaty-backed Forest-Falcon
62 Chestnut-rumped Woodcreeper
63 Black-tailed Leafscraper
64 Marbled Wood-Quail
65 Red-fan Parrot
66 Blue-black Grosbeak
67 Red-billed Toucan
68 Amazonian Pygmy Owl
69 Tawny-bellied Screech-Owl
70 Cinnamon-throated Woodcreeper
71 Variegated Tinamou
72 Chorus Of Arboreal Frogs
73 Leptodactyl Batrachian
74 Short-billed Leafscraper
75 White-necked Thrush
76 Spotted Antpitta

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