Bisturì – Bisturí
Лейбл: | Hecatombe Records – HEC 278 Base Record Production – BRP 276 |
Формат: | CD |
Страна: | Spain |
Дата релиза: | 2022 |
Жанр: | Rock |
Стиль: | Grindcore |
Подробнее об участниках записи
1 | Bronconeumonia Lateral Progresiva |
0:44 | |
2 | Lesion Aguda Miocardica |
0:43 | |
3 | Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Congestiva |
1:02 | |
4 | Hipertension Arterial Pulmonar |
0:44 | |
5 | Sindrome Hiperinflamatorio Multisistemico |
0:52 | |
6 | Distres Respiratorio Agudo Severo |
0:46 | |
7 | Sindrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida |
1:02 | |
8 | Ebriorexia |
0:47 | |
9 | Criptosporidiosis |
0:58 | |
10 | Listeriosis |
0:45 | |
11 | Cisticercosis |
0:54 | |
12 | Yersiniosis |
0:43 | |
13 | Paresia Crural Con Hemiataxia Ipsilateral |
0:45 | |
14 | Pseudocoreoatetosis |
0:31 | |
15 | Disgeusia |
0:41 | |
16 | Urticaria Acuagénica |
0:31 | |
17 | Fibrodisplasia Osificante Progresiva |
0:28 | |
18 | Epidermodisplasia Verruciforme |
0:22 | |
19 | Orquiepididimitis Aguda |
0:57 | |
20 | Gamapatía Monoclonal De Significado Incierto |
0:43 | |
21 | Linfohistiocitosis Hemofagocítica |
0:23 | |
22 | Angiopatía Amiloide Cerebral |
0:40 | |
23 | Trombosis Venosas Cerebrales |
0:47 | |
24 | Cefalea Neuralgiforme Unilateral |
1:02 | |
25 | Hematoma Intraparenquimatoso |
1:13 | |
26 | Glosodinia |
1:15 | |
27 | Acondroplasia |
1:06 | |
28 | Eritrodermia Ictiosiforme Ampollosa |
0:42 | |
29 | Prosopalgia |
0:37 | |
30 | Progeria |
0:41 | |
31 | Úlceras Gingivales Severas |
0:46 | |
32 | Mastocitosis Sistémica |
0:43 | |
33 | Flictena Hemática |
0:46 | |
34 | Estomatitis Gangrenosa |
0:58 | |
35 | Disentería Bacilar |
0:35 | |
36 | Miss Tenesmos 2016 |
0:58 | |
37 | Uretritis |
0:36 | |
38 | Filariasis Linfática |
0:45 | |
39 | Displasia Ectodérmica |
0:41 | |
40 | Endoftalmitis Postraumática |
0:58 | |
41 | Endocarditis Protésica Precoz |
1:25 | |
42 | Pus |
1:07 | |
43 | Meningitis Tuberculosa |
1:07 | |
44 | Absceso Periapical |
0:51 | |
45 | Rinorrea Purulenta |
0:57 | |
46 | Fiebre Botonosa |
0:40 | |
47 | N. T. N. |
0:52 | |
48 | Eritema Crómico |
0:56 | |
49 | Costra |
0:59 | |
50 | Tromboflebitis Yugular Supurada |
1:07 | |
51 | Gargajo |
0:51 | |
52 | Retinitis |
0:15 | |
53 | Shigelosis |
1:22 | |
54 | Sepsis Urinaria |
1:02 | |
55 | Grind Al Corte |
1:11 | |
56 | Clamidia |
1:03 | |
57 | P. U. N. A. |
1:28 | |
58 | Exantema Eritematoso |
1:10 | |
59 | Enfermedad Meningocócica Invasiva |
0:49 | |
60 | Arrancando Tripas Infectadas |
1:25 | |
Bonus Track |
61 | DIRECTO Orbeko Etxea |
22:47 |
Участники записи:
- Cover [Cover Drawings] – Josetxu
- Layout – SandriuX
- Mastered By – Noel Kemper
- Mastered By – Josetxu
- Mastered By – Alvaro Zamora
- Mastered By – Fabio Mendez
- Mastered By tracks 1 to 7 – Josetxu
- Mastered By tracks 26 to 40 – Fabio Mendez
- Mastered By tracks 61 – Alvaro Zamora
- Mastered By tracks 8 to 60 – Noel Kemper
- Mixed By – Josetxu
- Mixed By – Fabio Mendez
- Mixed By tracks 1 to 7 – Josetxu
- Mixed By tracks 26 to 40 – Fabio Mendez
- Recorded By – SandriuX
- Recorded By – Josetxu
- Recorded By – Bisturì
- Recorded By – Fabio Mendez
- Recorded By tracks 1 to 7 – Josetxu
- Recorded By tracks 26 to 40 – Fabio Mendez
- Recorded By tracks 41 to 60 – Bisturì
- Recorded By tracks 61 – SandriuX
- Recorded By [Additional Tracks], Remix – Josetxu
Лейблы и идентификаторы:
- Barcode : 8435383689573
- Matrix / Runout : "___ BISTURI___"
- Depósito Legal : M-11608-2022
- Matrix / Runout : "___ BISTURI___"
- Recorded At – Orbeko Etxea
Участники записи:
- Cover [Cover Drawings] – Josetxu
- Layout – SandriuX
- Mastered By – Noel Kemper
- Mastered By – Josetxu
- Mastered By – Alvaro Zamora
- Mastered By – Fabio Mendez
- Mastered By tracks 1 to 7 – Josetxu
- Mastered By tracks 26 to 40 – Fabio Mendez
- Mastered By tracks 61 – Alvaro Zamora
- Mastered By tracks 8 to 60 – Noel Kemper
- Mixed By – Josetxu
- Mixed By – Fabio Mendez
- Mixed By tracks 1 to 7 – Josetxu
- Mixed By tracks 26 to 40 – Fabio Mendez
- Recorded By – SandriuX
- Recorded By – Josetxu
- Recorded By – Bisturì
- Recorded By – Fabio Mendez
- Recorded By tracks 1 to 7 – Josetxu
- Recorded By tracks 26 to 40 – Fabio Mendez
- Recorded By tracks 41 to 60 – Bisturì
- Recorded By tracks 61 – SandriuX
- Recorded By [Additional Tracks], Remix – Josetxu