Public Enemy – Interview Disc
Подробнее об участниках записи
1 | Intro |
2 | So It's Been About 15 Years You've (Public Enemy) Been Doing This! |
3 | What Is "Revolverlution" About? |
4 | That's Kind Of Revolutionary In That Way Because, That's Something I've Never Heard Of It Ever Being Done By A Rap Act. |
5 | The Last Album You Had Back In 1999 "There's A Poison Going On" Was Put Out On The Internet And... |
6 | Will This Album Be An Internet Only Album? |
7 | And You'll Be Distributed By Who? |
8 | Is Public Enemy Going To Be Touring? and Where? |
9 | How Do You Explain Your Diversified Fan Base? Also, With The Fact That Public Enemy Has Been Associated As Being Controversial? |
10 | A Lot Of The Artists Today Don't Have A Stage Show |
11 | The Record Companies Don't Develop The Artists Like They Did Back In The Day |
12 | How Did The Collabo You Did With My Man Paris Come About? |
13 | Who Are Some Of The Producers Other Than Johnny Juice? |
14 | So You Have Studios In The South, East And West? |
15 | We're Gonna Shoot Our Video In Boston |
16 | Why Did You Choose Boston To Shoot The Video? |
17 | What Are PESA's About? |
18 | How Does Public Enemy Fit In Today's "Bling Bling" Society |
19 | Who Did The Cover Wotk On This Album? |
20 | Who Did The First PE Covers? |
21 | The Album Is Going To Be Released When? |
22 | When Is The First Single Coming Out? |
23 | How Do You Get That By? |
24 | Could It Also Be The Fact That You Don't Answer To Any "Yes Men"? |
25 | Waht Is Your Favorite Public Enemy Single? |
26 | That Explains Your Humble Persona. |
27 | Are You A Spiritual Person? |
28 | That's Pretty Heavy For A 19 Years Old To Come That Revelation. |
29 | What Do You Think The Future Of Rap Will Be? |
30 | Why Do You Embrace The Internet So Much? |
31 | How Is Flava Fav Doing? |
32 | Thank You |
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