The Chukchi – Grand Nord Russe - Les Tchouktches = Russian Far North - The Chukchi
Лейбл: | Playa Sound Collection – PS 65189 |
Формат: | CD |
Страна: | France |
Дата релиза: | 1997 |
Жанр: | Folk, World, & Country |
Стиль: | Folk, Overtone Singing |
Подробнее об участниках записи
Chants = Songs |
1 | La Danse Des Coquillages = Shell Dance | 1:00 | |
2 | La Danse Des Colliers = Necklace Dance | 0:55 | |
3 | Ma Jolie Tresse = My Fine Plait | 0:52 | |
4 | La Détroit De Béring = The Bering Strait | 1:14 | |
5 | La Chasse Au Morse = The Walrus Hunt | 1:07 | |
6 | La Vague = The Wave | 0:46 | |
7 | Kiguikouille = Kigikouy | 1:48 | |
8 | L'Attente = Waiting | 2:26 | |
9 | Le Choux De Mer = The Sea-Bell | 0:51 | |
10 | Les Mouettes = The Seagulls | 0:47 | |
11 | L'Aurore Boréale = The Aurora Borealis | 0:40 | |
12 | Tu Es Parti = You Have Gone | 2:37 | |
13 | Nous Spuhaitons La Paix = We Want Peace | 2:05 | |
14 | La Chef De File Des Rennes = The Leader Of The Reindeer | 1:40 | |
15 | La Départ Pour La Chasse = Departure For The Hunt | 2:30 | |
16 | Chanson De Nounligranskaia = Song Of Nounligranskaia | 3:08 | |
17 | Le Petit Renne = The Little Reindeer | 1:05 | |
18 | Mélodie = Melody | 1:53 | |
19 | Mélodie = Melody | 0:20 | |
20 | Mélodie = Melody | 0:29 | |
21 | Véronika = Veronika | 0:35 | |
22 | Berceuse = Lullaby | 1:28 | |
23 | Le Printemps Est Arrivé = Spring Is Here | 0:40 | |
24 | Mon Village = My Village | 1:57 | |
25 | La Rivière Melnechné = River Mainechne | 0:56 | |
26 | Titre Inconnu = Untitled | 0:34 | |
27 | Les Baies Sauvages = The Wild Berries | 1:43 | |
28 | Chant De La Grue Polaire = Song Of The Arctic Orane | 1:30 | |
29 | Chants D'Oiseaux = Bird Cries | 1:16 | |
30 | Mélodie = Melody | 0:52 | |
31 | Mélodie = Melody | 0:44 | |
32 | A Ma Mère = To My Mother | 0:46 | |
33 | A Mon Mari = To My Husband | 0:54 | |
34 | A Mon Chien = To My Dog | 0:52 | |
35 | Chikchi = Chikchi | 0:52 | |
36 | Le Corbeau = The Crow | 0:35 | |
37 | Le Chant De La Mouette = The Cry Of Seagull | 0:35 | |
38 | Chants D'Oiseaux = Bird Cries | 0:48 | |
39 | Les Éleveurs De Rennes = The Reindeer Herdsmen | 0:30 | |
Chant De Gorge = Throat Singing |
40 | Ma Petite Femme Da Maison = My Little Housewife | 1:24 | |
41 | Buvez Donc Du Thé = Take Some Tea | 0:56 | |
42 | Sans Titre = Untitled | 0:51 | |
43 | Sans Titre = Untitled | 1:02 | |
44 | Anaïna = Anaïna | 0:52 | |
45 | Cris D'Animaux = Animal Cries | 0:50 | |
46 | Improvisation = Improvisation | 0:52 | |
47 | J'Allume Le Feu = I Light The Fire | 1:33 |
Участники записи:
- Liner Notes [Translation] – Mary Pardoe
- Producer, Liner Notes, Photography By – Cécile Gueunoun
- Voice – Oliéssia Voukvoussie
- Voice – Ekatérina Raktitaguina
- Voice – Elena Naoukakene
- Voice – Evguenia Ranakvourguina
- Voice – Ivan Goutyn
- Voice – Lilia Omrytaguina
- Voice – Lioudmilla Boukouchevo
- Voice – Nina Merker
- Voice – Sveta Tchouklinova
- Voice – Vassia Kevkeï
- Voice – Viktor Tymnevye
- Voice – Véronika Oucholin
Лейблы и идентификаторы:
- Barcode : 3 298490 651896
- Barcode : 3298490651896
- Matrix / Runout : PS 65189 MPO 01 @ 01
- Mould SID Code : IFPI 121F
- Designed At – Studio Kali (Médias Waimes)
- Distributed By – Auvidis Distribution
- Phonographic Copyright (p) – Sunset France
Участники записи:
- Liner Notes [Translation] – Mary Pardoe
- Producer, Liner Notes, Photography By – Cécile Gueunoun
- Voice – Oliéssia Voukvoussie
- Voice – Ekatérina Raktitaguina
- Voice – Elena Naoukakene
- Voice – Evguenia Ranakvourguina
- Voice – Ivan Goutyn
- Voice – Lilia Omrytaguina
- Voice – Lioudmilla Boukouchevo
- Voice – Nina Merker
- Voice – Sveta Tchouklinova
- Voice – Vassia Kevkeï
- Voice – Viktor Tymnevye
- Voice – Véronika Oucholin