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Loop Guru – Amrita (...All These And The Japanese Soup Warriors)

Лейбл: North South – GURU 200 CD
Формат: CD
Страна: Europe
Дата релиза: 1995
Жанр: Electronic
Стиль: Downtempo, Tribal
Подробнее об участниках записи


1 Sheikh
Horn [Gibberglobehorn], Performer [Strange Sense Of Reality], Tuba [Transient Tuba], Performer [Sublime Subliminals And Substance] – Salmon Gita
Mellotron [Weavers Mellotonals], Performer [Backtrump Ettiquate], Tambura [Tantric Tampura], Drums [Thunder Drums Of Dharma] – Jamuud
Performer – Speechless (4)
Performer [Bouncing Bayan On The Border] – Inder "Goldfinger" Matharu
2 Yayli
Mellotron [Strawberry Mellotron], Drums [Voice Drums], Tambura [Yayli Tambur], Baglama [Sazmatics], Gamelan [Gamelantics] – Jamuud
Percussion [Quantum Metallics] – Jym Daly
Performer – Speechless (4)
Performer [Flyfinger], Congas, Bongos, Performer [Bingo And Bungo] – Sandira
Performer [The Random Elemental], Guitar [Guittara Pensilis], Performer [Fishband Base], Performer [Funkworm], Performer [Unity Vibrations] – Salmon Gita
Voice [The Deptford Monkey Chant], Performer [Morricone Wails] – Nidahl Bulbul
3 Diwana
Bells [The Essensensual Bell] – Sandira
Performer – Speechless (4)
Performer [Dali's Earmuffs] – Jym Daly
Performer [Dronic 5], Performer [Influence Generator], Performer [Devination, Clarity And Daylight], Harp [Clous Nine Cuckoo Harp] – Jamuud
Performer [Rice Ponders], Performer [Boomslanger] – Elmer Thudd
Performer [The Shimmer Of Lost Souls], Performer [Strumberdub], Sounds [Obscure Sounds At Unusual Intervals], Horn [Trouthorn], Performer [Barn Owl] – Salmon Gita
Tabla [Outrolude Tabla] – Inder "Goldfinger" Matharu
4 Soulus
Drums [Three Drums], Percussion [Two Sticks And Wild Expectation] – Elmer Thudd
Performer – Speechless (4)
Performer [The Thing With No Name] – Jym Daly
Performer [Thrumming], Performer [A Strange Fascination For English Astoral Music], Performer [VW Air Fashion], Performer [Trance Dance], Performer [Chronosynclastic Infundibulum] – Jamuud
Performer [Trainbeat], Percussion [Percussve Persausion] – Sandira
Technician [Extra Sensory Participation] – Psycho Karaoke
Trumpet [Invisible Trumpet], Performer [Cyclic Carmer], Performer [Expresso Monitor], Performer [Chilli Seeds], Piano [The Fabulous Exploding Piano Show] – Salmon Gita
5 Papasus
Bongos [Nyabingi Beat And Bonghosts], Timbales [Towering Timbales] – Sandira
Guitar [Heavy Metal Guitar With So Many Effects That It Doesn't Sound Heavy, Metallic Or Guitar Like Or Anything Else From Our Realm Of Understanding The Nature Of Multidemensional Matter Transfer], Bass [Sub Thunder C-Bass 5] – Salmon Gita
Performer – Speechless (4)
Performer [Dangly Bits] – Jym Daly
Performer [Earsplittenloudenboomer] – Elmer Thudd
Synthesizer [Transynthesised Molecular Construction Kit], Duduk, Performer [The Spirit Of Albion] – Jamuud
Voice [The Sampled Voice Of Sussan Deihim], Voice [Cries And Whispers], Performer [Symbiotic Sussantics] – Sussan Deyhim
6 Often Again
Horn [The Shimmer Of Transcendental Purihorn] – Salmon Gita
Mellotron [Mythical Melloflutes], Performer [Gayan] – Jamuud
Percussion [Earthbeat] – Elmer Thudd
Performer – Speechless (4)
Performer [Galvian Backbeat], Loops [Random Loop Generator] – David Parker
Performer [Visiting Muse] – Nidahl Bulbul
7 Sun
Handclaps [The Sound Of One Hand Clapping] – Jym Daly
Performer – Speechless (4)
Performer [Hero Hynpnotika], Beats [Bath Beats], Performer [Gliding] – Sandira
Performer [Martian Sidestep], Drum [Subterranean Mountain Drum] – Elmer Thudd
Performer [Space Crock], Bass [Bass Bouncer], Performer [Grapes, Boots And Bones], Performer [Geckos] – Salmon Gita
Theremin [Outboard Theromantics], Tape [Tapes], Loops, Drone [Drones] – Jamuud
8 Epic Song
Bass [Buffalo Bass Beat] – Elmer Thudd
Percussion [Wishbone, Flywheel And Mop Bucket] – Jym Daly
Performer – Speechless (4)
Performer [Armenian Paraglano], Mellotron [Epimellomuse], Performer [Weird Shilling], Performer [Two Screws Less Than A Wardrobe], Drum [Kangaroo Drum] – Jamuud
Performer [Galloping Guranabeat], Performer [Elastic Sensibility] – Sandira
Performer [Hysterion, Mysterion, Moronathon, Throbatron], Performer [Hidden Eccentricity], Performer [Randomdastics] – Salmon Gita
9 Gianyar
Mellotron [Marshmellotronics], Performer [The Clear White Variation], Horn [Stringhorn] – Jamuud
Percussion [The Vendetta Percussion Orchestra] – Elmer Thudd
Percussion [The Vendetta Percussion Orchestra] – Jym Daly
Percussion [The Vendetta Percussion Orchestra] – Sandira
Performer – Speechless (4)
Performer [Random Magnificence], Performer [Baccopipia Gracilis], Performer [Bowed Soar] – Salmon Gita
Performer [The Shreiking Plasma Explanation], Performer [The Note] – Nidahl Bulbul
10 Fumi
Effects [Elastic Echo Mastery] – Jamie Harley
Electronics [Six Thrumming Oscillators], Performer [The Life Force In Earnest] – Nidahl Bulbul
Percussion [Rainstick], Bells [Temple Bells], Performer [Rickshaw] – Sandira
Performer – Speechless (4)
Performer [Cogular Omnipotence] – Jym Daly
Performer [Harmonic Universe], Performer [Whaliogram], Performer [Flute Monitor], Performer [Organic Recycling], Performer [Lhasa Tree], Performer [Floating Variables], Trumpet [Horse Trumpet] – Jamuud
Performer [Lobster String], Performer [Psychic Dubstance], Performer [A Very Big Fish] – Salmon Gita
Tabla [Tablatica Erotika] – Inder "Goldfinger" Matharu
11 Plane Shift
Bells [Bali Bells], Timbales [Tahiti Timbales] – Sandira
Mellotron [Zen Mellotronics], Performer [Gregorian Noodle Factory], Performer [Levitation], Performer [Celestial Ambience], Performer [Rezzarama], Performer [Mystic Meanderings] – Jamuud
Performer – Speechless (4)
Performer [Dholak Dub], Performer [Laughter] – Inder "Goldfinger" Matharu
Performer [Martain Spanner Wheel] – Elmer Thudd
Performer [Nepalese Noodle], Performer [Ginger], Performer [Mushrooms, Lemon Grass], Performer [With A Pokey Chilli Sauce], Bass [Totem Bass] – Salmon Gita
Performer [Spinning, Weaving, Waving And Whiling] – Jym Daly
Performer [The Giver Of The Ghatam] – Jim Chase

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Amrita (...All These And The Japanese Soup Warriors) - 17030076 Amrita (...All These And The Japanese Soup Warriors)


 GURU 200 CD
 SPX 404 CD
Europe 1995
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