Nobuo Uematsu Hitoshi Sakimoto Hayato Matsuo Taro Hakase Yuji Toriyama – Final Fantasy XII Original Soundtrack = ファイナルファンタジーXII オリジナル・サウンドトラック
Жанр: | Classical, Stage & Screen |
Стиль: | Ballad, Modern Classical, Soundtrack, Video Game Music |
Страна: | Japan |
Год: | 2006 г. |
Подробнее об участниках записи
1-1 | ループデモ = Loop Demo
Hitoshi Sakimoto Nobuo Uematsu Composed By – Nobuo Uematsu Composed By, Arranged By – Hitoshi Sakimoto |
01:36 | |
1-2 | Final Fantasy ~FFXIIバージョン~ = Final Fantasy (FFXII Version) | 01:16 | |
1-3 | オープニング・ムービー (Final Fantasy XIIのテーマ) = Opening Movie (Theme Of Final Fantasy XII) | 06:57 | |
1-4 | 潜入 = Infiltration | 03:09 | |
1-5 | ボス戦 = Boss Battle | 03:23 | |
1-6 | 幻聴 = Auditory Hallucination | 03:13 | |
1-7 | 秘密の練習 = Secret Practice | 02:09 | |
1-8 | 小さな幸せ = Small Happiness | 00:08 | |
1-9 | 王都ラバナスタ/市街地上層 = Royal Capital Rabanastre / City Upper Ground | 05:27 | |
1-10 | パンネロのテーマ = Penelo's Theme | 02:56 | |
1-11 | 空賊への夢 = Dream Of Becoming A Sky Pirate | 00:35 | |
1-12 | 小悪党 = Little Villain | 03:02 | |
1-13 | 東ダルマスカ砂漠 = East Dalmasca Desert | 04:02 | |
1-14 | レベルアップ! = Level Up! | 00:06 | |
1-15 | 童心 = Naiveté | 03:01 | |
1-16 | 共存 (帝国バージョン) = Coexistence (Imperial Version) | 02:47 | |
1-17 | 変化の兆し = Signs Of Change | 02:21 | |
1-18 | ミッション開始 = Mission Start | 00:07 | |
1-19 | ラバナスタ・ダウンタウン = Rabanastre Downtown | 02:40 | |
1-20 | ミッション失敗 = Mission Failure | 00:12 | |
1-21 | 静かなる決意 = Peaceful Determination | 03:32 | |
1-22 | 西ダルマスカ砂漠 = The Dalmascan Westersand | 01:34 | |
1-23 | クラン本部 = Clan Headquarters | 02:46 | |
1-24 | 小さな拾い物 = Small Bargain | 00:08 | |
1-25 | ギーザ草原 = Giza Plains | 04:42 | |
1-26 | パンネロとの別れ = Separation With Penelo | 00:30 | |
1-27 | ガラムサイズ水路 = The Garamscythe Waterway | 02:54 | |
1-28 | 予兆 = Sign | 02:47 | |
1-29 | 騒乱 = Riot | 02:56 | |
1-30 | ナルビナ城塞市街地 = Nalbina Fortress Town Area | 02:22 | |
2-1 | 王女の幻影 = The Princess' Vision | 03:18 | |
2-2 | 剣の一閃 = The Strike Of A Blade | 02:35 | |
2-3 | 勝利のファンファーレ ~FFXIIバージョン~ = Victory Fanfare (FFXII Version) | 00:28 | |
2-4 | 深淵 = Abyss | 03:24 | |
2-5 | 暗雲 (帝国バージョン) = Dark Clouds (Imperial Version) | 02:00 | |
2-6 | バルフレアとの約束 = Promise With Balthier | 00:36 | |
2-7 | ゲームオーバー = Game Over | 00:21 | |
2-8 | ナルビナ城塞地下雑居房 = Nalbina Fortress Underground Prison | 04:34 | |
2-9 | 蛮族 = Barbarians | 02:28 | |
2-10 | 戦いのドラム = Battle Drum | 02:46 | |
2-11 | 帝国のテーマ = Theme Of The Empire | 07:49 | |
2-12 | チョコボFFXIIアレンジVer.1 = Chocobo (FFXII Arrange Ver. 1) | 02:49 | |
2-13 | バルハイム地下道 = The Barheim Passage | 03:51 | |
2-14 | 悲哀 (解放軍バージョン) = Sorrow (Liberation Army Version) | 03:55 | |
2-15 | バッシュの回想 = Basch's Reminiscence | 00:56 | |
2-16 | 共存 (解放軍バージョン) = Coexistence (Liberation Army Version) | 02:50 | |
2-17 | 空中都市ビュエルバ = The Skycity Of Bhujerba | 03:48 | |
2-18 | 魔石の秘密 = Secret Of Nethicite | 03:24 | |
2-19 | 闇夜 (帝国バージョン) = Dark Night (Imperial Version) | 02:00 | |
2-20 | 言葉無き戦い = Speechless Fight | 02:32 | |
2-21 | 戦艦リヴァイアサン艦橋 = The Dreadnought Leviathan Bridge | 03:53 | |
2-22 | 帝国への挑戦 = Challenging The Empire | 03:19 | |
2-23 | 切迫する事態 = State Of Urgency | 03:15 | |
2-24 | 動乱 (帝国バージョン) = Agitation (Imperial Version) | 03:13 | |
2-25 | レイスウォール王墓 = The Tomb Of Raithwall | 03:35 | |
3-1 | 大砂海 = Large Sandsea | 02:20 | |
3-2 | 召喚獣戦 = Esper Battle | 03:23 | |
3-3 | 悲哀 (帝国バージョン) = Sorrow (Imperial Version) | 02:49 | |
3-4 | 求めし力 = Seeking Power | 03:13 | |
3-5 | 死闘 = Fight To The Death | 02:44 | |
3-6 | ガリフの地ジャハラ = Jahara, Land Of The Garif | 04:58 | |
3-7 | オズモーネ平原 = Ozmone Plain | 02:30 | |
3-8 | ゴルモア大森林 = The Golmore Jungle | 03:50 | |
3-9 | エルトの里 = Eruyt Village | 04:13 | |
3-10 | 本当に子供なんだから…。 = You Really Are A Child... | 00:13 | |
3-11 | チョコボ ~FFXIIバージョン~ = Chocobo (FFXII Version) | 02:03 | |
3-12 | 迫る脅威 = A Nearing Threat | 02:44 | |
3-13 | ビッグブリッジの死闘 ~FFXIIバージョン~ = Clash On The Big Bridge (FFXII Version) | 02:46 | |
3-14 | 捨て去りし力 = Abandoning Power | 02:36 | |
3-15 | ミリアム遺跡 = The Stilshrine Of Miriam | 03:23 | |
3-16 | 安息の時 = Time Of Rest | 02:10 | |
3-17 | 白い部屋 = White Room | 03:44 | |
3-18 | サリカ樹林 = The Salikawood | 02:37 | |
3-19 | フォーン海岸 = The Phon Coast | 03:58 | |
3-20 | 宿命 = Destiny | 02:57 | |
3-21 | ソーヘン地下宮殿 = The Sohen Cave Palace | 03:38 | |
3-22 | 一時の休息 = An Hour Of Rest | 04:31 | |
3-23 | 水のほとり = Neigbourhood Of Water | 03:12 | |
3-24 | モスフォーラ山地 = The Mosphoran Highwaste | 02:49 | |
4-1 | セロビ大地 = The Cerobi Steppe | 03:13 | |
4-2 | 召喚 = Esper | 02:44 | |
4-3 | 港町バーフォンハイム = The Port City Of Balfonheim | 02:14 | |
4-4 | 仮眠 = Nap | 00:14 | |
4-5 | ゼルテニアン洞窟 = The Zertinan Caverns | 03:22 | |
4-6 | 追憶の地 = Ground Of Recollection | 04:01 | |
4-7 | 忘れ去られし都 = The Forgotten Capital | 04:16 | |
4-8 | 幻妖の森 = The Feywood | 04:14 | |
4-9 | アーシェのテーマ = Ashe's Theme | 05:30 | |
4-10 | ギルヴェガンの謎 = Giruvegan Enigma | 02:39 | |
4-11 | 神々の場所へ = To The Place Of Gods | 03:24 | |
4-12 | 終局の始まり = Beginning Of The End | 03:37 | |
4-13 | 頂上へ = To The Summit | 01:49 | |
4-14 | 空中要塞バハムート = The Sky Fortress Bahamut | 03:21 | |
4-15 | 揺れるバハムート = Shaking Bahamut | 00:41 | |
4-16 | 自由への闘い = Battle For Freedom | 08:51 | |
4-17 | 闘いの結末 = The Battle's Conclusion | 01:13 | |
4-18 | ンディング・ムービー = Ending Movie | 06:19 | |
4-19 | Kiss Me Good-Bye - Featured In Final Fantasy XII -
Nobuo Uematsu Arranged By – Kenichiro Fukui Bass – Akira Yamamoto (8) Composed By – Nobuo Uematsu Drum, Percussion – 有馬 勲 Guitar – Mitsuhiro Ohta Recorded By, Mixed By – Kenji Nakai Strings – Gen Ittetsu Strings Vocals, Lyrics By, Piano – Angela Aki |
04:59 | |
4-20 | 交響詩「希望」Symphonic Poem "Hope" ~Final Fantasy XII PV Ver.~ = Symphonic Poem "Hope" (Final Fantasy XII PV Ver.)
Yuji Toriyama Taro Hakase Composed By – Taro Hakase Composed By, Arranged By – Yuji Toriyama Conductor – Hitoshi Sakimoto Conductor – Robin Smith Guitar – Yuji Toriyama Violin – Taro Hakase |
03:54 | |
4-21 | Final Fantasy XIIのテーマ (制作発表会バージョン) = Theme Of Final Fantasy XII (Presentation Version) | 03:05 |
- Copyright (c) – Virgo Music Publishing Co., Ltd.
- Copyright (c) – Fujipacific Music Inc.
- Copyright (c) – Solid Co., Ltd.
- Copyright (c) – Square Enix Co., Ltd.
- Copyright (c) – Nichion Inc.
- Licensed From – Hats Unlimited Co., Ltd.
- Licensed From – Epic Records Japan Inc.
- Manufactured By – Aniplex Inc.
- Mastered At – Sony Music Studios, Tokyo
- Phonographic Copyright (p) – Hats Unlimited Inc.
- Phonographic Copyright (p) – Square Enix Co., Ltd.
- Phonographic Copyright (p) – Epic Records Japan Inc.
Участники записи:
- Art Direction, Design – Tadashi Shimada
- Coordinator [Lead Production Coordinator] – Hiroaki Kato (5)
- Coordinator [Products Coordination] – Azusa Naito
- Coordinator [Sound Production Coordinator] – Masashi Kitagawa
- Coordinator [Studio Coordinator] – Kumiko Saeki
- Design – Noriko Kadokura
- Design [Character Design] – Akihiko Yoshida
- Directed By [Director] – Hiroshi Minagawa (2)
- Directed By [Director] – Kazuki Adachi
- Directed By [Director] – Hiroyuki Ito (3)
- Directed By [Event Direction] – Jun Akiyama
- Editor [Digital Data Editor] – Kimihiro Abe
- Engineer [Mastering Engineer] – Kenzi Nagashima
- Engineer [Mastering Engineer] – Machiko Suzue
- Music By [Additional Music by] – Masaharu Iwata
- Music By [Additional Music by] – Hayato Matsuo
- Performer – Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra
- Performer – Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
- Photography – Hiroshi Shibaizumi
- Presenter [Presented by] – Square Enix Music
- Producer – Soichiro Sano
- Producer – Akitoshi Kawazu
- Producer [Music Publishing Division Producer] – Kensuke Matsushita
- Producer [Production Assistant] – Miki Ito (4)
- Producer [Publicity Producer] – Michio Okamiya
- Producer, Composed By, Arranged By – Hitoshi Sakimoto
- Production Manager [Sound Production Manager] – Masayuki Tanaka
- Programmed By [Sound Programmer] – Minoru Akao
- Programmed By [Sound Tool Programmer] – Satoshi Akamatsu
- Promotion – Hiroyuki Sugawara (2)
- Promotion [Sales Promotion] – Satoshi Okada
- Promotion [Sales Promotion] – Hiroyuki Shimizu
- Synthesizer [Synthesizer Operator] – Keiji Kawamori
- Text By [Interview text] – Sakae Takenawa
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Final Fantasy XII Original Soundtrack = ファイナルファンタジーXII オリジナル・サウンドトラック
Album, Limited Edition, Stereo |
SVWC-7351~4 |
Japan | 2006 | Посмотреть в продаже | ||
Final Fantasy XII Original Soundtrack
Album |
SVWC-7351~4 |
Japan | 2006 | Посмотреть в продаже | ||
Final Fantasy XII - Original Soundtrack
Album, Unofficial Release |
KO-99057-60 |
Taiwan | Посмотреть в продаже |