T.A.M. Records
Настоящее имя: T.A.M. Records
Track Artist Music Records better known as TAM RECORDS.
Track Artist Music (TAM) Records, LLC is an American entertainment company founded by Reuel-Azriel, professionally known as Carta Yisraeli in 2007. The full-service entertainment company houses a record label, a production company, and a retail-fashion and merchandising company, music, film, philanthropy, and other business ventures.
Track Artist Music (TAM) Records is an Independent music leader with strong market positions in recorded music, music publishing, and merchandising.
The full service entertainment company discovers and develops recording artists and then markets and promotes their music across a wide array of formats and platforms.
TAM’s music publishing company, The Track Artists, produces, discovers and develops songwriters, and owns and administers copyrights to musical compositions for use in recordings, public performances, and related uses, such as films and advertisements.
Counter Culture, TAM’S merchandising company, sells artist and music branded products via multiple sales points including online, fashion retail, and live performances.