Hide Productions
Настоящее имя: Hide Productions
HIDE is a multi-disciplinary project created in 2018 and during its first year has developed a clear and marked identity.
The aim of HIDE is to spread and develop a functional post-digital culture that is not only a mere narrative of the current historical period, but also a driving force for a proactive and future- oriented forma mentis.
“We feel helpless when it comes to the upcoming future, we blindly believe in the deity called “technology” and treat it as the only possible salvation from the ecological and social decline, yet we do not actively contribute to its development. The artistic proposal by HIDE project aims to spread (even just conceptually) the chance to use the instruments, in particular the digital ones that are available to us. HIDE thus embraces a post-digital idea of the world in which we play an active role and feel as a functional part of a whole system.”