Columbia Record Productions
Настоящее имя: Columbia Record Productions
This profile is being researched.
A Custom service of Columbia Records.
As early as 1959, (See [r4621874]), Columbia Record Productions has been credited on their product (Packaging, Label, Inserts etc) as a Label, for Production, Recording, Mastering and Pressing credits. It is unclear in many cases, specifically where, the credited services were actually performed or the full range of their business scope due to the various Columbia reorganizations.
However there are pressing identifiers in some cases to describe where the service was performed and should be used when possible..
1960 “Columbia Transcriptions” announced Columbia Records will provide complete recording, editing, mastering and metal processing facilities and also included record label printing and furnishing. Three distribution centers Bridgeport, Pitman and Los Angeles were available for this transcription service..
January 1961 Columbia Records renamed and expanded the custom record division of the company, formerly called “Columbia Transcriptions”. The new name of the custom division is Columbia Record Productions (CRP) although "Manufactured by Columbia Records Custom Division" has been used as late 1965..
June 1962 Columbia advertising their four “custom pressing” plants at Bridgeport, Pitman, Terre Haute and Los Angeles.
In 1966, in a major reorganization, five new operating divisions were created. Columbia Records became subsidiary to the newly formed CBS/Columbia Group.
CBS Records under Clive Davis would be responsible for the Marketing, Production for Columbia, Epic, Okeh, Date, Harmony and legacy line. He formed additional operations in his division which included;
-Columbia Record Productions; Custom Pressing Services
-Columbia Special Products; Production of records and tapes for special markets
-Masterwork Audio Products; Production of a new line of audio products
Also see CBS Special Products, Columbia Special Products, Columbia Records Custom Division
Know to have pressed for Sing (2).