Sensation - The World's Leading Dance Event
Настоящее имя: Sensation - The World's Leading Dance Event
Sensation is an indoor electronic dance music event which originated in the Netherlands and is organized by ID&T.
It started deeply rooted within ID&T as both 2000 en 2001 editions are actually memorial events for the brother from one founding fathers from ID&T.
That's also where the "white" dresscode has it's roots, in 2002 they splitted the concept into two sides leaving them with;
White (representing slow BPM, mild dance genres) and Black (representing, fast BPM, hard dance genres) as they aren't exactly to be pinpointed towards a particular genre.
After a while Sensation went global, this is mainly the reason why & where black lost it's pre-title sensation. As they don't organise black events abbroad except for Belgium maybe.
Sensation... the legacy will be continued...