Настоящее имя: Platipus
Long-running and popular trance label based in the UK. Early releases were almost exclusively by owner Simon Berry and associates (recording as Union Jack, Clanger, Poltergeist, Art of Trance), but later the label branched out to include artists like Terra Ferma, Salamander and Quietman.
Most famous releases include the Platinum selling 'Children' by Robert Miles, smash-hits 'Madagascar' by Art Of Trance, 'Anomaly (Calling Your Name)' by Libra presents Taylor (a.k.a. BT and DJ Taylor, respectively), 'Red Herring' and 'Two Full Moons and a Trout' by Union Jack, and 'Air' by Albion.
In 2003, Platipus embarked on a new direcion which encompassed a series of high quality compilation concepts compiled by artists such as The Orb, System 7, Bent, Hardfloor, Bliss, Jon Hopkins, I Monster, Chris Coco and Amorphous Androgynous aka Future Sound Of London. These included The Art Of Chill, Addicted, Tales Of The Unexpected, The Big Freeze and the highly acclaimed A Monstrous Psychedelic Bubble Exploding In Your Mind.
Platipus shut down in early 2010 and all the productions and co-productions from label owner Simon Berry, including (but not limited to) Art Of Trance, Union Jack, Poltergeist, Clanger, will be released through newly founded label: Porcupine Records.
[u]Formats guidelines:[/u]
- Platipus explicitely markets its CDs as Single or Album. These tags can be verified via the label homepage.
- 12” ‘Test Pressings’, as heard by the label (usually stickered white labels), are generally some ‘promo copies’. Official ‘Test pressings’ can be verified via the pressing plants profiles (P.R. Records Limited, EMI Records, etc...).
There is a two entry for platipus company: Platipus Records and Platipus Records Ltd.