Onion Audio
Настоящее имя: Onion Audio
Austin, Texas recording studio located in the Armadillo World Headquarters complex.
It was equipped with an 8-track 1" Studer ATR, a console outfitted with API components, an excellent control room environment with JBL 4315’s powered by a Macintosh 2300 tube amp, a good assortment of microphones, a modest array of rack gear, a good library, and very good test gear - signal generator, VTVM, distortion analyzer and dual trace scope. Not only was there a good high-ceilinged recording room adjacent to the control room, there was a Jensen-transformer-isolated split off the concert stage for a mix to their machines, a video truck or a radio/satellite feed independent of the house mix.
525½ Barton Springs Rd. Austin 78704
(512) 477-3863