LW Editora Distribuidora Assessoria de Comunicação Ltda
Настоящее имя: LW Editora Distribuidora Assessoria de Comunicação Ltda
Brazilian Publishing company also performing movies and videos distribution.
CNPJ: 02.254.727/0001-20 - established on 13 November 13, 1997 - officially defunct on January 14,2022.
Worked with several companies to make the subtitles for the videos they released (sold on newsstands) - please, do not credit those companies as Labels:
- Estúdio De Cinema
- Studio Gabia
- RM Multimidia
Phone: (11) 2061-5407 and (11) 2215-2234
Email: adm@reiteccontabilidade.com.br
City: Barueri - São Paulo