Good Food
Настоящее имя: Good Food
Good Food is a small label releasing tapes and publishing zines, based in the north east of England, est. 2015.
The choice to both release music and publish essays has to do with an inbuilt belief that the two practices are invariably connected. Both practices are born of an intuitive response to some form of established discourse (be that trends within music itself, popular culture, philosophy, critical theory etc), and both demonstrate the same critical impulse to manipulate aspects of those discourses, to interject into them, and to create new and worthwhile creative positions.
Good Food is interested in experimental pop music, which is a clumsy attempt to hint at a theme consistent amongst contributors: an exploration of the tension between a continual enjoyment and fascination with pop music (in the broadest sense), its possibilities, and its evolving position as a marker of contemporary popular culture; and an ever-present awareness of pop music’s problematic uses and representations frequently bound up in the oppressive ideologies of dominant culture. Good Food is an attempt to carve out a cultural space from which to critically and creatively scrutinise, negotiate, subvert, and move beyond the limitations of these positions, to experiment with pop, and to play with critical writing.