Musical Masterpiece Society
Настоящее имя: Musical Masterpiece Society
Musical Masterpiece Society was a daughter of Concert Hall. Just as Concert Hall, Musical Masterpiece Society worked with a subscription for post-order, but with Musical Masterpiece Society one didn't need to purchase a fixed amount of discs.
Originally the label by the Josefowitz brothers was called Musical Masterworks Society, but because the word "Masterwork" was already used since the 1930's by Columbia, the name needed to be changed to "Musical Masterpiece Society".
Records from Concert Hall, MMS and their various sub-labels were pressed by various pressing plants and then distributed all across the US, Canada and Europe.
Some plants can be identified by 1 or 2 letters on the labels:
AH = Artone Holland
P = Philips Phonografische Industrie or Phonodisc B.V.
PE = Philips Records Ltd. (Philips England)
TU = Turicaphon AG
D, M = unknown
Some other plants can only be detected in the runouts:
ARC = Allentown Record Co. Inc.
I = RCA Records Pressing Plant, Indianapolis
M1, M3, M6 = Pathé Marconi, Chatou
R = RCA Records Pressing Plant, Rockaway
TU = Turicaphon AG
Codes such as "F8OL-4513" or "E 3 K U 5586" on the labels and/or runouts would mean a mastering by an RCA Victor studio (see here for complete reference).
Codes such as "EB-xxxx" (e.g. EB-2287) or "GB-xxx" (e.g. GB-288) on the labels and/or runouts would mean a manufacturing by Capitol Custom.