Maximus Com. e Repres. Ltda.
Настоящее имя: Maximus Com. e Repres. Ltda.
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Wholesale & Retail of Movies, Cds, Dvds, Tapes and LPs. Artistic producer with all the necessary infrastructure. Recordings, mixes and music editions. Advertising Film Production.
It started activities on June 20, 2007.
CNPJ: 08.951.696/0001-43
Rua Teodoro Sampaio, 744 - cj. 45
Pinheiroa - São Paulo-SP / Brasil
Rua Anita Malfatti, 328, BLOCO 01
Vila Baruel - Sao Paulo - SP
CEP 02510-000
Tel: +55 (11) 2645-2493