Katapult Film
Настоящее имя: Katapult Film
Katapult Film Ltd. was founded in October 2002 by members of the intellectual workshop of filmmaker Sandor Simo. After graduating from the College of Film and Theatre Arts in 2000 the eight directors and two editors decided to continue their collaboration as professionals, inviting two producers Ivan Angelusz and Peter Reich to handle the business side. Katapult Film boasts some of the best young directorial talent in Hungary. Members Béla Barsi, Dániel Erdélyi, Csaba Fazekas, Gábor Fischer, Diana Groó, Szabolcs Hajdu, Réka Lemhényi, Bence Miklauzic, György Pálfi, Ferenc Török. After passing Mr. Ivan Angelusz, the managing directors are: Ferenc Török and Daniel Erdélyi.