TAPES Mediaproducties
Настоящее имя: TAPES Mediaproducties
Here belong all CDs with "Tapes Mediaproducties" in the matrix. Please use www.tapes.nl for CDs with "www.tapes.nl" in the matrix (since ca. 2007).
TAPES Mediaproducties (CD in matrix is not part of the name) is a multimedia production company founded in 1987 by Robin van Ingen Schenau in Rotterdam. In 1994 a branch was opened in Amsterdam and in 2015 the location in Rotterdam closed. In 2018 the company changed names to TAPES.nl
Please note that TAPES Mediaproducties does not physically manufacture discs themselves, but outsources this to external pressing plants. This entry should not be credited with Glass Mastered At or Pressed By roles; please use Made By instead.
Poortland 128, 1046 BD Amsterdam, Nederland
Tel.: 088 2010300
E-mail: sales@tapes.nl
Rotterdam (obsolete):
Schiedamsedijk 77
3011 EM Rotterdam
Amsterdam (obsolete):
Parnassusweg 205
1077 DG Amsterdam
Gent (obsolete):
P/A Schiedamsedijk 77, Rotterdam (see above)