Настоящее имя: Brownstone
Record label created in 1971 by Henry Stone and James Brown in Miami, FL and active until 1977.
Brownstone was used as a vehicle to release singles by individual members of James Brown's band when King Records decided they would release only James Brown material. Released a total of twelve 45's between 1971-77. James Brown subsequently started People Records in 1971 as a means to release material from his collaborators and band mates, but Polydor also took over distribution for nine Brownstone singles between 1971-73, which was mainly a vehicle for Bobby Byrd and Vicki Anderson releases. When People Records folded in 1976, label distribution was taken over by T.K. Productions, Inc. for the last two releases by late-period line-ups of The J.B's in 1976-77.
T.K. Productions, Inc.
495 S.E. 10th Ct.
Hialeah, FL 33010
(Contact info now obsolete)