Cafe Rouge Hotel Pennsylvania, N.Y.C.
Настоящее имя: Cafe Rouge Hotel Pennsylvania, N.Y.C.
The Café Rouge was the main restaurant in New York's Hotel Pennsylvania. A bandstand was located on the central floor of the room, and on either side of the central space was a terrace. The two terraces offered a view of the entire scene, including a full view of the band. In the late 1930s and early 1940s, The Café Rouge had a big band remote connection to the NBC Radio Network and became famous for the performances held inside. In 2014, the Café Rouge was converted to an indoor basketball court.
Built by the Pennsylvania Railroad, the Hotel Pennsylvania opened on January 25, 1919. It was operated by Ellsworth Statler. In 1948, the hotel was acquired by Statler Hotels, and it was renamed the Hotel Statler on January 1, 1949. Sold to Conrad Hilton in 1954, the hotel became the Statler Hilton. It operated under this name until 1979, when the hotel was sold again and renamed the New York Statler. In August 1983, the hotel was sold once more and renamed the New York Penta. In 1991, after a buy-out, the new owners returned it to its original name, Hotel Pennsylvania.