Abfahrt Records
Настоящее имя: Abfahrt Records
German dance/house label, founded by Torsten Fenslau and masterminded by him until his too early death in 1993. Successor of Abfahrt, with slight change of name, different logo and own catalogue numbering and label code, starting its business in 1992 with the release [m62453]. Today Abfahrt Records GmbH is a vinyl label in the AMG-group (Abfahrt Music Group).
Labelcode: LC 05598 / LC 5598
Please do not mix up with Abfahrt and do not enter here releases by Abfahrt with LC 0270 or any releases prior to 1992.
Abfahrt Records GmbH
Rheinstrasse 48
D-64367 Mühltal
Fax: +49-0-6151-22614
E-mail: info@abfahrt-records.de