Parlophone Label Group
Настоящее имя: Parlophone Label Group
UK label; abbreviated PLG.
Label Code: LC 30419
Recorded music (label) group of companies. The group's repertoire includes a broad range of some of the world’s best-known recordings and classic and contemporary artists spanning a wide array of musical genres.
In 2012 EMI Group Ltd. is acquired by Vivendi S.A.. As a condition of the sale to Vivendi SA. (owner of the various companies that form part of the Universal Music Group), the regulatory authorites required certain record business's owned by EMI Group Ltd. to be divested. The Parlophone Label Group (PLG Holdco Ltd.) was created by that company in Nov 2012 for this divestment. On the 6th Feb 2013 it was announced that a definitive agreement had been entered into to sell the The Parlophone Label Group to the Warner Music Group Corp., and this sale was completed on 1st July 2013.
Including, Parlophone, EMI Classics, Virgin Classics, Chrysalis, Ensign, Regal catalogues (labels) the group consists of the former European recorded music operations of EMI Group Ltd. in the UK (excluding Virgin Records Ltd.), Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain and Sweden.
Companies that form (formed) part of the Parlophone Label Group:
UK - Parlophone Records Ltd. (Formerly EMI Records Ltd.), Parlophone Music International Services Ltd. (Formerly EMI Music International Services Ltd.), Chrysalis Records International Ltd., Chrysalis Records Ltd., Trooper Enterprises Ltd, Music For Pleasure Limited, Ensign Records Ltd., Food Ltd., Erato Record Classics Ltd (Formerly Virgin Record Classics Limited) Belgium - Parlophone Music Belgium BVBA (Formerly Emi Music Belgium BVBA), Czech Republic - Parlophone Czech Republic s.r.o. (Formerly EMI Czech Republic s.r.o., Denmark - Parlophone Music Denmark A/S (Formerly EMI Music Denmark A/S), France - Parlophone Music France SAS (Formerly EMI Music France SAS), Playon SAS (51%), Norway - Parlophone Music Norway AS (Formerly EMI Music Norway AS), Absolute Music As, Poland - Parlophone Music Poland Sp. z o.o. (Formerly EMI Music Poland sp. z o.o.), Duży Dom Dystrybucyjny DDD (50%), Portugal - Parlophone Music Portugal, Lda (Formerly EMI Music Portugal, Lda.), Spain - Parlophone Music Spain S.L. (Formerly Emi Music Spain, S.L.), Parlophone Hispavox SL (Formerly EMI Torrelaguna SL), Trimeca Estudios y Producciones, S.L., Sweden - Parlophone Music Sweden AB (Formerly EMI Music Sweden AB), Grand Recordings Sweden AB, Eva Records AB (25%)
EMI Records Ltd. rights to master recordings of The Beatles, John Lennon, and George Harrison did not form part of sale to "Warners" and were subsequently transferred to a newly incorporated company that forms part of the Universal Music Group, Calderstone Productions Limited
Registered address: (Post July 2013)
PLG Holdco Limited
90 High Holborn,
27 Wrights Lane,
W8 5SW