Настоящее имя: www.akordcd.pl
URL branding used by Akord (2) to promote their services. Only use this profile for releases which specifically credit Akord (2) via the URL www.akordcd.pl (normally appears in the CD matrix). If a release mentions both the URL and the Akord (2) logotype, please add both entries to the LCCN section in separate fields. Company number consists of letters of the subsequent digits or the letter T and the sequence number: T-xxxx. These numbers can be found in the CD matrix. Only in such a form you can enter it as a catalog number for www.akordcd.pl in the LCCN section.
ul. Utrata 4
03-877 Warszawa
tel. (22) 299-02-85
fax. (22) 675-78-12
e-mail: akord@akordcd.pl