Netto Music (2)
Настоящее имя: Netto Music (2)
Danish discount record company founded by Mogens Villadsen, located in Pandrup a small village in Western Jutland. Helped by the immense popularity at national proportions of local schläger artist Jodle Birge and an alternative distribution chain via supermarkets and petrol stations, Netto Music became the biggest record company in Denmark in terms of sales by the late 1980's, selling around 1.5 mio. cassettes, CD's and LP's in the year of 1990 alone. The adventure stopped abruptly the same year when a police raid of the company warehouse revealed a large number of illegal copies of cassettes. The company folded in 1994 as results of the legal repercussions. Mogens Villadsen was found guilty of duplicating and selling 271,000 pirated cassettes from 1984-89, and was sentenced a fine of DKK 150,000.