Degraw Sound
Настоящее имя: Degraw Sound
Degraw Sound is a Brooklyn recording studio on the Park Slope/Gowanus border, owned and operated by producer/engineer/musician Ben Rice that was designed with and constructed by Dave Ellis.
The studio features a 25' x 17' live room, a favorite for drum tracking, live full-band recordings and film shoots, as well as a separate isolation booth and is equipped with individual monitor mixers for artists. The control room is centered around a vintage Trident Series 24 console, modded and maintained by Jeff DelBello, Pro Tools HD and stocked with a collection of classic analog outboard gear, microphones and instruments providing clients the tools and environment to record and mix a wide range of projects.
597 Degraw Street, 3rd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11217
T: 718.855.5502