Swedien Recording Studio
Настоящее имя: Swedien Recording Studio
Built by 5 time Grammy winning engineer Bruce Swedien. Occupying the Garrick / LaSalle Movie Theater built in 1914. The studio was in operation from 1953 to 1957; Then sold to Kay Bank Recording Company, Inc. and named Kay Bank Recording Corp. Universal Audio Corporation purchased the studio in 1967 and named it Universal Audio Recording. Micside occupied the space from 1970-1973 and name it Micside Studios. The next tenant was Cookhouse Studios (1973-1984). Next occupant of the property was Nicollet Studios (1985-1988) with Twin/Tone Records . The studio was purchased by Creation Audio Recording, Inc. in October, 1988 and named Creation Audio. Still under the same ownership as of October, 2021.
2543 Nicollet Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55404
2541 Nicollet Avenue
Minneapolis 4, Minnesota
(contact info obsolete)