Entity Productions
Настоящее имя: Entity Productions
Entity Productions is a Cleveland-based entertainment company and distributor for Midnight Syndicate. Linfaldia Records is a division of Entity Productions.
Entity Productions / Midnight Syndicate / Linfaldia Records
11510 Boxwood Circle
Chardon, Ohio 44024
Phone: (440) 286-1494
Fax: (440) 285-2449
Licensing - Carl Shadow
Email: info@midnightsyndicate.com
Email2 midnightsyndicate@aol.com
Entity Productions / Midnight Syndicate
7100 Rushmore Way
Concord, Ohio 44077
Public Relations - Carl Shadow
Email: info@midnightsyndicate.com
(contact info now obsolete)
Entity Productions / Midnight Syndicate
10035 Woodview Drive
Chardon, OH 44024
E-Mail: EDoug0001@aol.com
Office: (216) 285-2877
Fax: (216) 285-9731
(contact info now obsolete)