Precision Sound Corp.
Настоящее имя: Precision Sound Corp.
Canadian multimedia manufacturer which got its start in 1984 by duplicating cassette tapes out of a basement. Precision Sound Corporation products included blank recordable media, audio-visual products and replication services. Precision Sound offered in-house CD-r burning, CD and DVD pressing through partnerships with other facilities, cassette tape duplication, and end product design and packaging. The parent company, Precision Media Group is related to both Precision Sound Corp. and Sonrise Audio Duplication.
Burnaby head office:
3117 Norland Avenue
Burnaby, BC
Canada V5B 3A9
Tel: (604) 299-4141
Fax: (604) 299-4146
Toll free tell: 1-800-663-6213
Toll free fax: 1-888-299-4146
Edmonton location:
15397 - 117 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
T5M 3X4
Tel: (780) 436-4197
Fax: (780) 436-5057
Calgary location:
2840 - 19th Street, NE
Calgary, Alberta
T2E 6Y9
Tel: (403) 250-3144
Fax: (403) 250-3898
Toronto location:
#8 - 310 Judson St.
Toronto, Ontario
M8Z 5T6
Tel: (416) 253-1889
Fax: (416) 253-8088
Toll free tel: 1-866-492-1889