Настоящее имя: SG-Hljómplötur
Icelandic label founded in 1964 by Svavar Gests (Svavar Lárus Gestsson 17.06.1926 - 01.09.1996), bought the rights to the catalogue and trademarks of Íslenzkir Tónar in 1966 and later released some compilation LP's from that catalogue. Closed down in 1985 and the catalogue was bought by Steinar later that decade.
The SG-Hljómplötur catalogue rights later reside with Sena and are currently hold by Alda Music
The label ran a recording studio called Tóntækni Hf. at Ármuli 5, in Reykjavík. It was for a time in the 1970's the only multitrack recording studio in the country outside of the Ríkisútvarpið (State Broadcast Org.). Tóntækni Hf. was destroyed in a fire in 1981 and with it went the masters of many of the SG-Hljómplötur releases in addition to the masters from some smaller independent labels.