Unknown (PD)
Настоящее имя: Unknown (PD)
Profile created to gather CDs with Matrix "PDxxxxx" or "PD xxxxx", which come without any label info (or illegally use logos of known official labels), and originate from 'anonymous' Russian pirate company, which also makes releases (on factory pressed CDs) under MP3 Music Collection and Tempstar Records logos.
Most of these releases also have "По вопросам оптовой и розничной продажи просим обращаться: Санкт - Петербург, ул.Ленина д.76; тел.: (812) 255 9227, 255 9425, телекс 411069" text printed on back cover + the same barcode 464043516629 (printed as '4 64043 51662 9') on all releases.
This pirate manufacturer became active in the 2nd part of the '00s.