Wipe Out! Records
Настоящее имя: Wipe Out! Records
Independent label based in Piraeus, Greece, founded in early 1986 by Γρηγόρης Βάιος (Gregory Vaios) and Θοδωρής Κρίθαρης (Thodoris Kritharis). After 1996, the label is run by Θοδωρής Κρίθαρης alone.
Distributed by Κίνησις since 1994.
In 2021 Panos Tzanetatos filed extra-judicial to Θοδωρής Κρίθαρης in order to remove the Wipe Out! Records logo from the following releases, 30 years after their release!
Θοδωρής Κρίθαρης put that fact to public through the official label webpage, responing that he had signed contracts with the bands and that he wouldn't do anything about it.
WOR 023 / DEC 01
WOR 035 / DEC 002
WOR 041 / DEC 003
WOR 051 / DEC 004
e-mail: wipeout@otenet.gr