G Producciones
Настоящее имя: G Producciones
Label run and owned by the late Dumas Torrijos Pauzner a panamanian songwriter, actor & singer. Usually, distribute and produce some releases domestically from local artist into several genres, including salsa, tipico, ballad, reggaeton and pop rock. The logo was a sticker label with green letters encircled in a yelow background over the cellophane wrapping of the CD's released and later on early 2000's appeared a new logo endorsing a letter "G" with a Headphone over., graphic printed direct on some back cover of the CD's.
[Now Obsolete]
G Producciones
Calle Magdalena Urb. Campo Alegre, Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá
Número de Teléfono
(507) 233-7454
(507) 233-7455