Sony Music Labels Inc.
Настоящее имя: Sony Music Labels Inc.
Please do not use as label
Japanese record company Sony Music Labels Inc. is the successor of Sony Music Records Inc. , which started on October, 2001.
On April, 2014 changed its company name to Sony Music Labels Inc. Currently consists of 9 label groups:
Sony Music Records
SME Records
Ariola Japan
Epic Records Japan
Epic JYP
Ki/oon Music
Sony Music Associated Records
Sony Music Japan International
Most of these groups consist of multiple labels.
- Ki/oon Music Inc.
- Sony Music Labels
- Jazz Collection 1000
- Bruce Springsteen Remaster
- 洋楽特選1000
- Crossover & Fusion Collection 1000
- Brasil Collection 1000
- AOR City 1000
- Yoko Ono Reissue Project
- Leonard Cohen Collection
- Guitar Legend Series
- Pied Piper Days Revisited 2015
- Disco Fever 40
- 聴くシネマ名作選 Soundtrack 1000
- Best Classics 100 (6)
- 平成洋楽
- Pied Piper Days Revisited 2018
- Sony Music Progressive Rock Paper Sleeve Collection
- Breakvag
- ヨーガクトクセンBest
- Greatest Hits - Japanese Singles Collection
- Studio NUI
- 50th Anniversary Electric Light Orchestra
- AOR City On Vinyl
- Greatest Hits Vinyl Collection
- Tatsuro Yamashita RCA / Air Years Vinyl Collection
- ブラジル音楽の秘宝
- AC Label
- We Want Jazz
- Beat Seeker Music
- Hip Hop Classics (4)
- Epic Years 1971-2003