MMP Temple
Настоящее имя: MMP Temple
MMP Temple was established by Michael Morthwork during the 111th year of Fayen (MM, era vulgaris) under another name than it now bears, initially dealing in obscurely dark and original music presented on cassette tape. The rudimentary purpose thus explained is somewhat different compared to today, where we are now mainly concerned with ONA related or inspired material, however the form remains similar – the release of various Sinister music(k) works of superior quality imbued with a pernicious mysterium. By “superior quality” we refer to the depth of Sinister essence evoked within that musick, rather than the level of technical ability or some other “professional” qualities. Those latter being of no import whatsoever, except in the case of chant, vibration etc, or if the foreseen purpose of the musick requires it to be played in a certain key, perhaps…