Sullivan Room Records
Настоящее имя: Sullivan Room Records
Quality & Hi-Fidelity House & Techno.
Sullivan Room Records is an unconventionally set up label that will reflect on a wealthy 12 year history as New York City’s longest running underground House and Techno institution, as well as its current direction. “The label is an outlet not associated with today’s latest trends created by ever growing EDM world...”. “It will give way to the new generation of rising talent as well as the veterans who have already painted the path and continue to do so, a format which we supported all this time”. All of the artists on the label, whether well known or not have a connection through the Sullivan Room dance floor, the support of the founders, the fans and will always be driven by sound not bias trends or hip brands. The direction and genres released on the label are diverse in the realm of House and Techno, as any artists knows, “when you have history behind you, the history will reflect the diversity of your sound…” .
Sullivan Room Records intergrades the mentality of an independent record store shopping by introducing a series of “Sullivan Room Record Crates” released with 10 exclusive singles as “picks”, with limited 12” vinyl pressings. Through this concept it emphasizing the music it stands for, versus marketing of fame associated with given artists.
The Record label musically exposes Sullivan Room and its sound by releasing EPs, which feature artists and music of its events… bringing the records played on its dance-floor to the world.