VVG franke & Co KG
Настоящее имя: VVG franke & Co KG
Vereinigte Verlagsgesellschaften Franke & Co. KG.
German publishing company, founded by Paul Franke (born October 21, 1881 in Nauendorf, † July 25, 1984 in Bad Tölz).
Also operated the label Primaphon and the pressing plant Schallplattenpresswerk Bayern / Schallplattenpreßwerk In Bayern GmbH.
Vereinigte Verlagsgesellschaften Franke & Co. KG
Liebigstr. 10a
8000 München 22
Herzog-Wilhelm-Str. 22
8000 München 2
Alpenstr. 29
8192 Geretsried 1
(also address of the pressing plant)
[all obsolete]