BB Schallplatten
Настоящее имя: BB Schallplatten
German pressing plant located in Lüneburg, founded in August 1955 (registered on 03 October 1955) by Luise Bardowicks (née Holezko) and Konrad Haseloff.
The plant was specialised in picture discs and shaped picture discs (shellac and vinyl). The respective manufacturing techniques were globally patented by Bardowicks and Haseloff in 1957.
In April 1963, Leif Kraul, managing director of Metronome Records GmbH, was appointed new director.
Metronome Records GmbH bought the patents in the 1960s and further developed the technique.
Haseloff operated the plant until 1979.
The company went bankrupt and was subsequently dissolved in October 1981.
Luise Bardowicks passed away in 1999.
BB Schallplatten GmbH
Salzstr. am Wasser 3
2120 Lüneburg
Tel.: 5440